It just occurred to me: The principle fuel of the ego is - TopicsExpress


It just occurred to me: The principle fuel of the ego is conscious and subconscious fear. It SEEMS to protect us by limiting our thoughts and expressions, so as to protect us from perceived risks of rejection, humiliation and abandonment. It operates from old learned responses to life experiences which may no longer be applicable in our lives, and does so by convincing us we ARE those limited sets of behaviour rather than realising behaviour is just what we BE in order to HAVE (BE-HAVE) certain experiences in our lives (conscious BE-INGS). By mistakenly identifying (self-identification that we ARE the limited behaviour sets rather than the experiencer is the egos modus operandi) with the egos version of reality, we severely limit our life experience and freedom of expression. In order to be fully-alive and expressive, aka free, we must learn we are not the PERSON (persona = mask from the Latin) any more than we are the shoe on our foot or the car we drive. We are the infinite consciousness having a limited human experience as a being of consciousness. Freedom comes from getting in touch with and letting go of the deep inner CONTRACTions and misunderstandings which limit us. This requires correct understanding of the nature of self, consciousness and faith in ourselves, each other, and life to support us in letting go of fear on all levels. Only when we truly understand the function of ego can we experience the greatest available love, bliss and freedom from the illusion of required dependency on government, religion and other control mechanisms.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 19:23:08 +0000

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