It literally makes me sick to my stomach to see how many people - TopicsExpress


It literally makes me sick to my stomach to see how many people are ignorant, hypocritical, and deliberately sinister in their comments and opinions on the Palestine - Israeli conflict. Numerous of people on my newsfeed are posting pro-Israel articles, rants and support with the most superficial understanding and consideration towards the entire situation. I understand this is a very polarizing topic but to not have any background knowledge is the problem which allows the entire situation to perpetuate. I am completely baffled, flabbergasted and stupefied that someone would condemn Palestine or justify Israels Military occupation without knowing the following things first ... - Israel was established in 1948 through a BRITISH mandate over the existing Palestinian people and forcing them to flee their homes. -The term ZIONISM is a modern political position in support of Military and Financial aid towards the recent British creation and the maintaining of the State of Israel. ZIONISM is NOT a religious affiliation! -The majority of Jews that exist in the world are ASHKENAZI JEWS. These Jews have absolutely no genetic connection to Biblical Jews; they are European converts to the Jewish faith. They are WHITE PEOPLE. - When Bob Marley sings about ZION he is using the term in its more traditional context - the returning of people to their homeland (i.e. Rastafarians and the African people back to Africa)- He is NOT talking about ISRAEL or anything to do with Judaism. -However, there is ABSOLUTELY no archeological evidence of an ancient ISRAEL ever existing as modern myth has people believe. Therefore the use of the word ZIONISM is very misleading to say the least in regards to the settling of Jews. - Palestinians ARE the indigenous inhabitants of the land. Just look at any map describing the distribution of land since 1948 to the modern time and you wont believe your eyes. -The very term ISRAEL comes from the worship of three different ancient deities; the Egyptian Goddess ISIs, Egyptian Solar God Amon RA, and the Hebrew God of the Old Testament EL (ELOHIM). Creating ISis-RA-EL, or IS-RA-EL. -ISRAEL has one of the highest funded and well equipped militaries in the world compared to the lack of Palestinian forces. As of 2012 the US has gave ISRAEL 3.1 BILLION dollars a year!! -HAMAS is not a Palestinian military force! They are a rebel group who is fighting on behalf of Palestine because the rest if the world does nothing. -Everything I have said is in despite of the astronomical death tolls of Palestinians to Israelis. No death is worse than another and I condemn all killing! To support for either side joined with the hatred of the other is in no way helpful, divine, or loving. We must all strive for peace, and the only way to do that is abandon ideology and join together as people who dont want other people to suffer they way that they are. My heart goes out to all those who have lost on both sides; however, the American ignorance on foreign affairs has to change if we want to see the situation for what it is and help our brothers and sisters.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 16:30:43 +0000

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