It looks like John Boehner may be moving in the direction of - TopicsExpress


It looks like John Boehner may be moving in the direction of amnesty legislation in the House. PLEASE READ THIS AND CALL HIS OFFICE. IF YOU WANT TO EXPRESS AN IMMEDIATE -- AND FREE -- OPINION TO CONGRESS ABOUT SPEAKER BOEHNERS LATEST AMNESTY MOVE, YOULL FIND THE LINKS IN THE RED ACTION BOX BELOW. DEAR FRIENDS, House Speaker Boehners latest staff addition indicates he plans to battle us throughout 2014 in trying to pass the amnesty he so much craves. Adding Sen. John McCains former chief of staff to his staff today signals that Boehner is not ready to bow to the majority wishes of voters who believe the U.S. does NOT have a labor shortage and does NOT need to add millions more foreign workers to the legal laborforce. Russell Berman of The Hill was clear on the significance of Boehners new hire: Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has hired a veteran expert on immigration policy, a move that could signal a renewed House effort to act on the issue in 2014. Rebecca Tallent, director of immigration policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center, will start her new job as assistant to the Speaker on Wednesday. . . Tallent previously served as chief of staff to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and was deeply involved in efforts to pass immigration reform in 2006 and 2007. Advocates for immigration reform cheered the hiring of Tallent, viewing it as a sign that Boehner was serious about pursuing legislation in 2014. Many of us have wondered if Boehner has just made this hire merely as a gesture to appease corporate lobbyists who are distraught about ending this year with nothing to show for the $1.5 billion spent over the last four years to pass comprehensive immigration reform. Perhaps he knows that the new hire wont have any success in selling an amnesty to the 118 Republicans needed to allow Boehner to have the majority of his party agree to let him bring an amnesty to the House floor. But one of the strongest Republican amnesty supporters suggests to The Hill that Tallent wouldnt have taken the job unless she thought she could do for Boehner what she has done for McCain in getting amnesties to floor votes: She is bright, knowledgeable. She is as good as anybody in the city. Period. End of story, Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) said. Its a huge, huge get for Speaker Boehner. . . Shes not going to be doing this if its going to be a waste of her time. Our Chris Chmielenski posted an informative and alarming blog about Tallents background and her comments this year supporting massive increases in lifetime work permits for foreign citizens. You can read the blog and join a vigorous discussion in the Comments section. Our concern is not with Tallent personally. She has her own reasons for spending more than a decade writing legislation with mass amnesties and increases in foreign workers and in promoting them. Our concern is with Speaker Boehner. After months of saying that he has no interest in anything like the Senates S. 744 bill, why has he hired as his chief immigration aide somebody whose career is based on pushing bills like S. 744? This is what I have been telling the media about what the new hire means: It shows that Speaker Boehner remains committed to the corporate lobbies quest for more foreign workers to hold down the wages of their American workers. His new hire has done almost nothing the last decade except work for giant increases in foreign labor. But Boehner still has to persuade at least 118 Republican House Members that their constituents would be okay with an expansion of immigration during the seventh year of high unemployment. Your Action Options If you would like Speaker Boehner to know what you think of his latest signal of support for mass amnesty, click on the phone button for our toll-free number and talking points. Call Speaker Boehner or click https://numbersusa/phones?ID=15610 If you want to make sure that your own Representative and staff understand the anti-American worker signal that Speaker Boehner has made with his new hire, click on the following red button to find choices of messages to send over the internet: Fax your Representative or click https://numbersusa/actionbuffet Yes, grassroots Americans in 2013 defeated Boehner, Obama, McCain, Ryan, Rubio and Schumer in their drive for comprehensive immigration increases and amnesty. But that was this year. The only thing that stopped Boehner from bringing amnesty to the House floor and moving it to Pres. Obamas desk was his fear of the majority of House Republicans who were pushed so hard by the grassroots to stand up to Boehner and the greedy corporate open borders lobby. That will be the only thing that protects American workers in 2014. Make sure your Members of Congress understand that you arent giving up your anti-amnesty fight any more than Boehner apparently isnt giving up his pro-amnesty fight.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 18:32:25 +0000

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