It looks like Sarah Shotts, founder, of Shotts In The Dark - TopicsExpress


It looks like Sarah Shotts, founder, of Shotts In The Dark Paranormal will be suing another paranormal team for defamation and slander. It is one thing to have an opinion about someone and share it between friends. It is another thing to create lies and deceit around to owners of bed and breakfasts of whom she does business with. One of these business owners sent an email to Sarah stating that this so called paranormal team from New York area slandered Sarahs name and were telling other bed and breakfast owners NOT to do business with their team. Ironically, the NY team must find Sarah as a threat as she was the one to invite them out and introduced them to a location they had never been before. They liked it and instead of being professional and thanking Sarah for the invite out, they STABBED her in the back only to gain better for themselves? It is rather pathetic in my opinion that someone would reach that level of disrespect. If I didnt like how someone ran their public ghost hunts I would SHUT MY MOUTH AS I AM A GUEST ON THEIRS and simply thank the group for the experience. I would NOT go to the upcoming locations and tell the bed and breakfast owners I AM PULLING OUT BECAUSE SARAH DOESNT KNOW WHAT SHE IS DOING AND YOU SHOULD GET SOMEONE ELSE IN THERE TO DO IT Let me guess? That someone should be YOU? The one running lies, deceit and hate from your mouth only to make yourself look better? That isnt para-unity that is white trash business ethics 101. When Sarah sent this group a message their response was you should take a look at the lady at the Bed and Breakfast. Myself and (we will not mention his wonderful wifes name) said nothing to her. I told her nothing more than I wanted to cancel, get your facts straight WELL, we would of got our facts straight if you didnt immediately block us, coward. I find it interesting that the Bed and Breakfast owner had only nice things to say about us as I have stayed with her numerous times in the past. The lawyer will be planning a letter and will be sent this week. -Justin
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 06:06:46 +0000

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