It looks like it is time for my yearly rant. One of my former - TopicsExpress


It looks like it is time for my yearly rant. One of my former students does a yearly “purge”, but quite honestly, I don’t have the time to weed out my FB “Friends” list. This one is going to be long, and it’s not going to be pretty, so be forewarned. Please insert your favorite 4-letter word in the blanks. First of all, if you don’t like what I post on MY Facebook wall, don’t ___ing read it. And for god’s sakes, don’t bother to stop in and post your ignorant viewpoint and try to rationalize said ignorance with a post from a ___ing ignorant FB group. Do us both a favor – BLOCK ME, unfriend me, unfollow me, or just scroll on by. Secondly, all of us are ‘called’ to do something, to speak out or act for or in support of something. As a nurse with three decades of experience caring for the sick, injured, unloved, unwanted, poor, elderly, homeless and vulnerable populations, this IS my calling. As a writer, it IS my duty to speak out when I see injustice, and unspeakable horror, and suffering. As a humanitarian, it IS my duty to go and alleviate suffering, when I can, where I can. People do what they can for the causes and people they care about. If all one can do is share opinions, information and knowledge, that is what one does, even if it is only on Facebook. And lastly, I am not “Pro-Hamas”. I am not “Pro-IDF”. One of those is a militant group and one is a billion-dollar Army. ____ them both, and the death & destruction they cause. I am not “anti-Jew”. I am not “anti-Palestinian”. What I am is anti-GENOCIDE. Israel had no right to the land they literally stole out from under people who had been living on it for thousands of years. Then to subjugate and annihilate and herd them into walled off strips of land, occupied and terrorized for decades? What the ever-loving ___ would YOU do? You think if some group came and took over Tennessee and walled the entire population up in half of Knoxville, those good ole’ boys with guns wouldn’t rise up and fight? Of course they would. What part of ‘Israel is carpet-bombing an entire CIVILIAN population’ don’t you ___ ing understand? Oh, and I also want all the immigrant children from South America to stay and all the ___ing guns to be gone. Will you please just block me, now? So take your Fake Jesus and your Cruel Compassionate Conservatism, and go sell that ignorant bull ___ somewhere else. Don’t put it on my wall, because I don’t care who the ___ you were in high school, if you have no compassion for the poor, the homeless, the immigrant or the oppressed, you are nothing. And you are worse than nothing to me.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 17:31:41 +0000

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