It makes me sad to see a world in which most people cling to - TopicsExpress


It makes me sad to see a world in which most people cling to antiquated ideals, and allow others to do their thinking for them. The little piece of glass, metal and silicone that you are holding in your hand is deceiving you. While it may not always be providing you with false truths directly. It may just be selectively exposing you to information to increase the profitability of corporations of interest. It may just be that weather source that is sensationalizing weather reports to increase viewer recurrence. Maybe its just Facebook testing human emotional responses to only negatively stimuli. Or it could be a fancy search algorithm designed to promote web traffic to sites based on how much money the site is paying for their search relevance. All of these things involve money in some form. I know that technology is a powerful and useful tool. If you are careless with a knife you may cut yourself. If you use it against another person it can be very destructive. This same knife can be the difference between life and death in a survival situation. There are a great many reasons to utilize technology, but treat it with the caution that it deserves. Remember when you see a toddler trying to use a reverse-pinch hand gesture to zoom in on a paper magazine picture just how helpless many people would be without it. There is nothing more frustrating than hanging out with a friend that is texting all the time, only to have them continually text you while they are with another friend. Resist the anti-social network. Unplug. Enjoy life in real time. Trust your own judgement that is based on first hand experiences. Cherish those who you care for. Love people and use things, not the reverse. Learn a new skill. Be technologically advanced, not technologically dependent. Make something with your hands. Talk to someone in person while making eye contact. Fill the void with experiences and positivity rather than things. Dare to ignore consumeristic trends and develop your own identity. Reject hierarchal illusions that belittle and besmirch individuality. Help those who are less fortunate. Life is not a race, but a collaborative experience.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:15:08 +0000

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