It makes me sick to even have to post something like this. What - TopicsExpress


It makes me sick to even have to post something like this. What is wrong with this world, kids cant go outside to bring in the trash cans. Chloe and Sarah got home from school and headed to the pantry for a snack. I asked Chloe to take the trash out when she was finished. Chloe went outside and decided to bring in all three trash cans for her dad, as they were across the street because today was trash day. As she was wheeling the last trash can down the driveway, a man in a green mini-van slowed down and almost came to a complete stop in front of our driveway and tried to get her to come in the van, motioning with his hand to get in the car. She dropped the trash can, screamed and ran inside screaming for me. Chloe was so scared she was panicking, going around the house and locking doors and screaming for Sarah to get in the house. I feel like time froze at that point. I immediately called 911 and then called my husband who rushed home. The sheriffs came out and took a report, talked to Chloe, and searched the area. Chloe said the man has light skin, dark hair, green colored mini van with rust and damage on it. The van also had a grey rack on the top of it. I am so happy that Chloe knew exactly what to do in this situation. I hope everyone drives the point home with their own kids about stranger danger.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 03:05:06 +0000

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