It may be so intensely cold, this bright Wednesday morning here in - TopicsExpress


It may be so intensely cold, this bright Wednesday morning here in Perth, but the tenderness suggested in this image makes me feel all warm on the inside! Yesterday was a tiring and worrying day for yours truly.... Someone posing as a Rep of my internet provider, had contacted me regarding an e-mail sent to me, (that I hadnt responded to,) concerning the issue of up-coming faster Internet speed implementation ! There was a knowledge of pertinent facts about who had access to my computer, and so he seemed kosher. There was a problem with the fact that my keyboard was non-responsive ( without the usual warning of flat battery), so over the course of an hour or so , he advised that it may be a recently released virus, (the name I didnt take in,) and it was necessary to agree to remote access to fix the fault.(on one previous occasion ,this had been necessary , when the real Support rep, couldnt solve an unusual issue) ..... Anyway the up-shot of this was that details of my life got stolen.... $315 was stolen from my credit card account, I received a text from my bank of a transacted , which is not usual! In the morning I made contact with my Provider, no such person was employed by them, but the Security department at my Bank, certainly had knowledge of his activities, but it may take some weeks, before my money might be returned! When your Computer details and security are compromised , Medicare and credit card are stolen, as many of you may be aware it is a long and exhausting process of rectifying things ...... So watch out for Roger a Rep of YOUR Internet provider !!! Anyway this lovely image did remind me of love and trust, something that the Scam-artists of this World, WONT rob me of....... !
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 01:24:54 +0000

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