It must be understood that Steiner was speaking of the sheaths of - TopicsExpress


It must be understood that Steiner was speaking of the sheaths of Jesus of Nazareth that afforded the Christ the capacity to become the archetypal,universal ‘New Adam’ for all of humanity - Steiner never mentions the Christ Being throughout all of his discourse on the evolution of the Saturn, Sun and Moon Periods. In fact, he doesnt mention Christ until he begins to speak of the Fall during the Earth Period. This becoming entangled in matter was not a human act, but a deed of the Gods, which is something which the Higher Powers of progressive evolution arranged with the Luciferic powers, in order to reach the physical dense realms, that are below the present Logoic incarnation. For the Logos in this solar system, it is the physical mental plane - is the physical manifestation of the incarnating impulse from the Cosmic Ego, whose archetype is on the forth cosmic plane- Buddhic. The Earth as the forth globe offers the link to the cosmic ethers, by the redemption of the physical bodies. What happened at that time of the fall into form, needed a counterpoise. But this again was a concern not of human Beings, but of the Gods themselves. The God had to descend as deeply into matter as He had allowed man to sink into matter. Christ offered to the Gods the atonement which He could offer only in a physical human body, to imbue it with the youthful cosmic forces, via etheric, by reconnecting them to our egoic bodies. This is when R.Steiner speaks of the Mystery of Golgotha as a, window into the affairs of the Gods. It was only then that the Gods decided to send the Christ Being to Earth and reverse its course of evolution from a descending path to one that is on a path of ascension. When Paul received enlightenment on his way to Damascus, at that moment he knew that the Being Who dwelt formerly only in the Sun had now descended to Earth and continued to live in the forces of the Earth, as cosmic event. He is the Macrocosmic Ego and Universal Archetype for the evolution of our Egohood, our cosmic seed of the new birth. Christ left His Atma body within the spiritual element and sphere of the sun. When He descended further toward earth He left his entire Buddhic body within the etheric-life realm of the Earth and the biosphere of the earth. That had magnetized the Earth etheric sphere to the reconnecting links with the Sun. The Earths magnetosphere is the field of spiritual re - connection our our Minds with God via the personal etheric resonance. In the final stage of His descent to earth He incarnated Upon Jesus of Nazareth at the time of the Baptism in the Jordan as an auric of universal Manas - the WORD, and Pleroma- Sophia. Pleroma refers to all of the spiritual sun forces, the Tree of Life forces (Sound & Life ethers), His own residual Buddhic and Atma forces and much more to which we are probably not even aware. All of this was The Cosmic Auric Principle which Christ brought to earth and which enveloped His Being. This is what united and bonded Christ to His Apostles. from R.Distasi.The fleeting youth of Christ.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 12:14:26 +0000

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