It never ceases to amaze me how that Satan allows raise his ugly - TopicsExpress


It never ceases to amaze me how that Satan allows raise his ugly head when God is moving. We already know he is a liar, a thief, a deceiver, a conniver, a destroyer of lives, must I go on? We could go on and on about what Satan is, but there must come a time in our lives, that we draw a line in the sand, saying no more. Many times we do not stop Satan, because we have not been taught on to fight him, so he does what he does the best, destroy Gods people. Yet, it is so subtle at times, we dont even realize that we have drawn away from The Lord. As we have counseled many people in teaching them to fight the Enemy, they have no idea and that is because they do not know the Word of God. It is great to sit under a Man of God that teaches the Word, but you must know it for yourself. The Man or Woman of God cannot always fight your battles for you. Preparation to defeat Satan comes at a price, no, it does cost us anything, but our time. It means that we will get alone with the Lord, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal Gods Word to us, not that satisfies our desires, but what brings Glory and Honor to the Lord. I am convinced that many today, are struggling because as Satan finds our weak areas, he bombards those areas until we feel incapable of fighting the good fight of faith. Many times, Christians give up. Pastor Kenneth Hagin, a precious Man of God, that has gone on to be with the Lord, related a powerful story that he experienced. In a dream he was walking and talking with the Lord, all of a sudden, Satan interrupted, so that he could not hear what the Master was saying. This went on several times, finally Kenneth asked The Lord to make Satan stop, he said God spoke these words to him that changed his whole life. Kenneth, I have done all that I am going to do, I have given you the tools to fight Satan, now it is up to you. We also have got the tools to fight Satan, but most times we do not know how to use them, so he literally shuts us down until we cannot function anymore. It is time we as Christians stand our ground, taking back territory lost in our daily battles. It is time to take the offense, instead of the defense. You want peace in your life? Be prepared, know the Word, stand your ground, never giving Satan an inch. When we know who we are in Jesus Christ, we can rock the Gates of the devil no peace... Put Satan in his proper place, Under Our Feet!!!!!!!!! Romans 16:20 states, And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 19:27:35 +0000

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