It never ceases to amaze me when I participate in carrying out Dr - TopicsExpress


It never ceases to amaze me when I participate in carrying out Dr David Jubbs liver cleanse, which I am in the midst of OK a cold winter time is not the ideal time to be doing this as most people may be aware of, as the kidney energy is in need of more support, warmth and nourishment. I have kept myself cosy, been out in the daylight when I can, plenty of warm drinks and easy to digest LifeFood, Urophagia, Rape now and again, plenty of rest along with trying to finish my book - Love Your Liver Feel ALIVEr hopefully finished by the end of this month During xmas period of 3 days I ate a couple of things my body doesnt like ... non LifeFood and instantly I have wrinkles appear or should I say laughter lines around my eyes ! After taking the oil last night , today my skin is purrfect, beautiful natural rosy cheeks and a glowing skin. One cleanse and I can feel and see the difference already. This time however I am more into the Golden elixir of Life , which I hope to share a blog on soon. It is like the cosmos own natural majickal potion! Every time I carry out a cleanse I release old patterns, and have amazing dreams of what to do next in my life. A great idea came to me in my dream which I can share soon. I consider this naturopathic cleanse on par with shamanic rituals, as one needs a little push in discipline , perseverance , and nourishment from nature along with peaceful surroundings. As we clean the LIVEr we feel more ALIVEr and we dream so The liver in TCM is associated with seat of our spirit which is why the word liver contains the word LIVE in it All things in this life are a gift if we wish it so for our health and wellbeing. It also helps when we have support and soul nourishment when we cleanse and it is best carried out from spring onwards. Come along and join us for the most amazing detox retreat. This retreat is jam packed with juicy goodness and oodles of inspiration! This retreat has been created so that one can walk away with the knowledge and experience of what this particular liver/ gallbladder cleanse can do for you and much more on health! https://facebook/events/690164404415167/?ref=br_tf
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 21:33:29 +0000

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