It never stops! On Wednesday, we went to get our eyes examined - - TopicsExpress


It never stops! On Wednesday, we went to get our eyes examined - sort of. The optometrist was a bully comparing himself to a Cadillac and we were just common bus people if we could afford to get on the bus. All of this was because I told him that we could not afford the $90.00 for a test that he does in his office for a retinal scan. Other Optometrists dont do the test because they do not know what they are doing and that is why I am at the top of game and not the bottom. Before booking the appointment, I had told the receptionist that we did not want the test done and for the Optometrist to not even bring it up. She did the Glaucoma test first with Michael and then with me. Well, as soon as she looked at my eyes, the attitude started. Yes, my eyes are dilated. My family doctor knows all about it. I had asked her a question about the test and she just got up and walked right past me. Michael was trying to figure out what was going on. (I knew - dilated eyes!) So, about five minutes later, the receptionist comes up to us and says The doctor wants to SEE THE TWO OF YOU IN HIS OFFICE - second door on the left. Michael said that he felt that he was at the principals office. As soon as we got in the office, he told us to shut the door and turned to us and started raising his voice. He kept going on about how he is the best in the field and if I wanted proper care, then I would pay for it - regardless if I am on Disability or not. He did not care. I asked him what were we suppose to do now since he had seen us and OHIP only allows one visit per year for me and one every two years for Michael. By them doing the Glaucoma test, that counted as my one appointment! He told Michael to sit down in the chair and looked at his eyes and then wrote him a script. As for me, I needed surgery before I could get a script and that would only be after a few follow-up appointment. Me, well, I was another story. I need cataract surgery which is ALSO going to cost extra. He told me that he will look around for a doctor who wont charge too much and he will absorb the costs himself. He then told me to go and see his receptionist. We go out to the receptionist and she said that she would call me if I am lucky by the end of October. She then said if I do not hear from her by the end of October, that means that she forgot and for me to call back - all the while laughing as she was speaking to me. Naturally, there was much more conversation, but I am so upset over it all. A friend of mine suggested that I contact the College of Optometrists and also the head of the clinic. When I got home, I called the College of Optometrists. After hearing what had occurred in the Optometrists office the College strongly urged me to lodge a formal complaint. They are sending me out the package so that I can do this. This morning, the head of the clinic called me. He has reassured me that everything will be taken care of. I am to speak to my family doctor about this matter and she is to refer me to another Optometrist. The head of the clinic also reassured me that the clinic will find an Ophthalmologist for me as well and all financial costs will be covered by the clinic. I just want to cry. I am so stressed. I felt like a second class citizen the other day while in his office- so much so, that I actually broke down in tears and was so afraid that I would have to wait another year before getting my eyes done. I loathe it when people make judgments upon people when they do not know them or all of their circumstances. Funny, the head of the clinic when I spoke with him today, knew who my family doctor was and was aware of my health issues. I would have thought that the optometrist would have done his homework as well instead of judging. I am somewhat relieved now, but I am so exhausted by all of this. I am going to take things easy for a day or so and then we are going to get back to work on the house. Thank you dear friends for being so wonderful! I love you all so very much!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 20:13:36 +0000

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