It now appears that God is a Seahawks fan. After the game Russell - TopicsExpress


It now appears that God is a Seahawks fan. After the game Russell Wilson said I just believe that God prepared me for these situations. God’s prepared our team too as well. So the God who couldnt be deigned to stop ISIS or Boko Haram from murdering thousands in the Mideast and Africa, couldnt be deigned to stop the Ebola or HIV epidemics from killing millions in Africa, couldnt be deigned to stop the terrorists from murdering the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo, deigned to stop Al Qaeda from flying planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon on 9/11 killing thousands, or deigned to stop Hitlers Nazis, or Stalins Communists from murdering millions and causing WWII -- but this God has the time to side with the now devout Russell Wilson in overcoming his worst game ever to beat the hapless cheese-heads from Green Bay. The world might be drenched in the blood of evildoers and massive deaths from epidemics and starvation, but God has nothing better to do than be the 12th man to tip the scales in favor of secular Seattle, and secular Paul Allens Seahawks over devout middle Americas Packers! I cheered for the Seahawks in their unlikely victory as Ive done for them over the last two years. But Im totally turned-off by Wilson dragging-in religion into the picture to imply that the Seahawk victory was because God was on their side. Whenever some jock ridiculously gives credit for his victory to having God on his side, it only further illustrates how badly we need to go against the Pope by making fun of faith. Im still a Seahawks fan, and even still a Russell Wilson fan (though less so now), but its because of the great football they most often play and it has nothing to do with religion.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 23:55:56 +0000

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