It now seems that the unfortunate Palestinian boy was burnt to - TopicsExpress


It now seems that the unfortunate Palestinian boy was burnt to death. It takes a particular form of hate for individuals to kidnap a young boy like this and burn him alive in front of your eyes and think it is acceptable human behaviour. It is a hate that is driven by a refusal to see Palestinians as human beings and a hate that enables a strong State to terrorise people from land they occupied for thousands of years, destroy their homes and move foreigners into that now ethnically-cleansed land. Of course the highly sophisticated and well-funded Israeli public relations machine will continue to churn out honeyed phrases about all human life being sacred but Israel is a state that is built upon the forced displacement of a people and such a thing can only happen if hatred towards that people is at the core of its being. The question is: How long can such a State be permitted to generate such hate? It will not stop on its own volition. It has to be made to stop and the only force capable of stopping it is the West. Israel must be treated as a pariah and real and forceful sanctions imposed on it until it shows a real intent to treat the Palestinian people with justice.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:14:09 +0000

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