It occurs to me as it does every Near Years Day that YHWH is - TopicsExpress


It occurs to me as it does every Near Years Day that YHWH is continually bending low in mercy to honor us and speak to us where we are at. YHWH set the month of Aviv, the month of sprouting grain as the first month of the year. Exodus 12:2. This is the month that Israel was delivered from Egypt. This was the month that Jesus was crucified. This was the month we are to commemorate taking a lamb (taking THE Lamb) and appropriating our deliverance out of the authority of everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of YHWH. This is the New Years Day on the appointed time calendar of YHWH. the Jews calculate two new years days one on Passover and one at the feast of Trumpets. The Feast of Trumpets day was adopted from the Babylonian calendar by tradition and convenience, it is called Rosh Hashanna - the head of the year. We in the western tradition mark January 1 as the head of the year and we attach many civil events to this date.The history of how we came to that date is longer and more convoluted than the Hebrew dates. Some businesses and government also have a fiscal new year that happens on yet another date. The point is this: YHWH is not seated in His place yelling at us and snubbing us for not keeping the day He has established as a New Year. We seek prophecies and vision, we lean into and reset our priorities and goals for the coming year. YHWH responds. These responses for the most part are genuine and I am humbled as to how He really loves us and bends low to meet us in our time of drawing near. I believe that drawing near is the primary motivation for the Lord. When you seek me with your whole heart, you will find me. I wonder how much more powerful it might be if we were to adopt the Lords appointed time - His New Years day, so to speak as our time to draw near and inquire of Him for His plans for us as individuals and as a nation that has been birthed out of His mercy. I am not talking about a legal obligation here, but rather an obligation of Honor and Humility towards YHWH, the author and finisher of our Faith. I wonder how much better it could be as we please the Lord by honoring His day and not our own. There is still time for this endeavor - The month of Aviv - on the 14th day, the full moon - Passover, Happy New Year! - welcome to your new life release out of the oppression of Egypt and the bondage of Sin. This is YHWHs heart - a cause for true celebration Friday April 3, 2015 by our calculations. (This Friday evening is also a weekly Shabbat this year, how cool is that!) Be Blessed
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:07:22 +0000

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