It pains me to do this, but getting all those non-art related pm - TopicsExpress


It pains me to do this, but getting all those non-art related pm from half a dozen people these few weeks is my limit. People, this is an ART website. Its not meant for chatting, being bombarded with private questions, or for advertising Korean attire. Artists like everyone else have bills and deadlines to meet. How does one expect me to do my work to survive if they want me to talk all the time TT? So please, do not abuse the pm button or my hospitality. Thanks for everyones understanding. For those that dont, no problem, I am standing by to printscreen all your rudeness for all to see. Yes, this is a threat. And yes, after all the flak I have been getting lately, I sure as hell will carry it out like a boss. 林北沒耐性了。再來一個不懂分寸的傢伙胡亂私訊或想在這打廣告,立刻printscreen後來個血淋淋的秒殺!禮讓太多會被當成懦弱的。該殺的時候,林北是會殺的。別小看在野生存至今的畫家!別看我平常打字很有禮貌,林北本質可是毒舌好嗎!(慢着
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 09:43:29 +0000

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