It pains my heart to hear this. An illness that can be prevented - TopicsExpress


It pains my heart to hear this. An illness that can be prevented early with a parvo vaccine. What most people dont know is that it takes time for a vaccine to take affect as well. You should not take your new puppies out to the park, on walks or even out to petsmart without the vaccine. Your vet will be able to tell you when you are safe to take your new pup out into the public areas once vaccine is given. Parvo is shed in feces and can be airborne so if there was ever a dog with it in public areas and your pup runs across it, your pup runs the risk of contracting the virus. It is cureable illness as long as one catches it early and is willing to spend hundreds even up to thousands to cure, but even then medicene can only do so much at times. So moral of the story is vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate, as soon as you get them and keep those cute little pups at home!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 18:47:28 +0000

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