It really gets under my skin when people say they are OCD about - TopicsExpress


It really gets under my skin when people say they are OCD about something. No. You are organized and hygienic. OCD has nothing to do with it. Unless you have the same freakin thought run through your head hours and hours at a time until you feel like youre going to die and are compelled to do a ritual, then you may have OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE disorder. You literally OBSESS until you cant take it anymore and take action. Thats where COMPULSIVE comes in. Intrusive thoughts are terrifying and make you question your sanity. Depression is terrifying because you are your own enemy. Dont even talk to me about schizophrenia or any reality altering disorders. There is nothing to be romanticized about having anything wrong with your mental health. The brain can be sick just like any other organ and it can effect how you perceive the world, your moods, and your emotions. Dont pretend to have something you dont. Being healthy physically and mentally is something some of us dont have the luxury of faking. You cant suppress a panic attack or a hallucination. I cant suppress my tics. I would give anything to know what its like to have a day to not have the urge to tic or have my head not obsess and over analyze every little thing. You never get a break. Because besides actually living with any mental condition, theres stigma that comes with it. Its hard enough living with it, its exhausting getting called crazy and being treated differently for it. So feel very blessed and grateful you dont have to experience the horrors that can plague ones mind and the cruelty some people can throw out there. Ive come to accept my disorders and ignore any hate speech thrown my way. My disorders dont own me or dictate my life, I just simply have them and theres nothing wrong with that. I do not suffer from them. For others, acceptance takes years and years. The journey is different for everyone. So please understand, what a slap to the face it is to those who suffer from any mental health conditions by faking your own. You will never know anything about actually having it and living with it. Theres no amount of research that can help your facade there.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 22:13:14 +0000

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