It really takes some believing - the Zionists not content with all - TopicsExpress


It really takes some believing - the Zionists not content with all they had - the banks, the media, Western politicians backing up every one of Israels nasty moves, big business locked up! Then theres the begging bowl, out in force sucking US taxpayers dry, even though so many Zionists are caked up to the eye-balls! What the hell does Israel need handouts from the American people when a third of the worlds wealth is in hands of the Rothschilds alone, some $300 Trillion? Yet all this was nowhere near enough! Youve got to ask yourself what kind of people are we dealing with here? The Zionists involved have everything yet they felt they needed to risk it all by planning & executing 9/11. They did it but because they own the media they were able to blame it on Muslim Terrorists. Now whats interesting here is Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain never entered the equation. The only countries attacked were the Muslim/Arab nations opposed to Israel, without exception! As a result 6 out of 7 have now been destroyed or had puppet rulers installed or both!.......... Yet THIS was nowhere near enough. While the Zionist bankers proceeded to steal every last penny & more, effectively creating a situation where sooner or later the economies of America, UK & a host of other European nations WILL crash & moreover do so in a manner never seen before. Imagine this scenario - food shortages, water & electricity cut off, shops closing down all over the place - its inevitable there will be a breakdown of law & order. It will be utter chaos. Let me tell you now - they did this deliberately. They raped our Treasuries so that this would happen, Why am I so convinced? Because it connects all the dots. Perhaps you should have spared a thought for the 1000s of Palestinian kids abducted by Israeli thugs, thrown in jail for no reason, tortured & left to rot - no charge, no trial! The Zionists have been doing this for ages. Hardly enough of you gave a shit, did you? Well, now, THEY WANT TO DO THIS TO YOU!........... On the back of 9/11, the Zionists, the greatest terrorists on the planet, created a war on terror! As well as destroying all of Israels enemies, this enabled them to usher in laws that werent simply an affront to democratic rights; the Patriot & NDA Acts stripped the American people of ANY RIGHTS! One could now be apprehended, FOR NO REASON; thrown in jail, INDEFINITELY; you are not entitled to a day in court; youre not even entitled to any legal representation! Yet........ this was not enough! Why do you think Michael Chertoff, an arch Zionist, was made head of US Homeland Securities? Because only a vile, demonic creature like him could oversee the building of 800+ Fema Camps up & down youre country. Why didnt anyone ever say havent we got enough prisons in America? Thing is. these are extermination camps. They can hold 100,000 people - get rid of them; bring in another load. Of course, first & foremost, they want to get rid of those WHO ARE ONTO THEM! Say hello to another one of Chertoffs little friends - I SPY, WITH MY LITTLE EYE - THE NSA! Suddenly, US politicians felt there was a need to spy on THEIR OWN CITIZENS TOO? It stinks to high heaven! Now the Zionists would know exactly who to get rid of first, second, third &...... you get the picture! Why do I know this? Look, it was obvious long before but when Cameron opened his mouth at the UN, along with the stench of a mega-maniac, positively chomping at the bit to become a mass-murderer, he confirmed it! He said anyone questioning 9/11 is as dangerous as ISIS terrorists! Then he went on to say & THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD USE ALL MEANS AT ITS DISPOSAL TO ERADICATE THESE PEOPLE!......... Well? Thank you Cameron. You want to eradicate anyone who dares to question you? .....You treacherous little vermin. In America, the Zionists even had the nerve to try to take your guns. Now just imagine that? They staged 3 or 4 false flag events, Aurora, Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing in order to create a climate where they could perhaps usher in new gun laws. I mean it was so obvious it was almost laughable. Of course this only served to mark the card of many Americans - gun sales went stratospheric! This Zionist plan back-fired big time! What cheek! Diane Feinstein surrounds her putrid self with armed bodyguards, 24 hours a day....... BUT SHE WANTED YOUR GUNS BAD! So, put two & two together & guess what? The US Police force is receiving expert advice courtesy of Tel Aviv! I mean you cannot make this up! They bring Israels foremost experts ie butchers in crowd & riot control to wise up PC Plod - the ones who are supposed to serve & protect you! As if the US police force needed any encouragement dishing out stick? My God! And all of a sudden, theyre shooting to kill - no questions asked.......... exactly the way the Israelis go about their business! This 3 minute clip shows how US Police forces have been armed to the teeth. If after watching this you still think Im not bang on the mark then all I can say is, that as well as yearning for good to triumph over evil, I have selfish reasons. You see, Im in no doubt - IF YOU GO, SO DO WE!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 22:04:53 +0000

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