It recently came to my attention that the American Flag no longer - TopicsExpress


It recently came to my attention that the American Flag no longer flies above the headquarters of Market Basket, since the ousting of CEO Arthur T. DeMoulas. I feel this is a total disgrace. When the two DeMoulas brothers built that company many years ago, they appreciated the country that gave them that opportunity. I feel these money hungry greedy Board of Directors, share holders, and even the two Co-CEOs have lost site of what that american flag stands for. They are so wrapped up in this situation that they havent the time to raise our beloved flag? Shame on them and the greed that feeds them. I felt the rest of these Market Basket saga followers need to know exactly what kind of people these corporate minded individuals are. They would actually neglect to honor the country which gives them the opportunity to be the greedy people they are. Shame on the Market Basket head honcho Mr. Arthur S. DeMoulas for letting this be an oversight.!!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 23:13:39 +0000

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