It requires no more than an open, commonly-intelligent mind to - TopicsExpress


It requires no more than an open, commonly-intelligent mind to comprehend the situation in the Middle East. And the more I read, watch, and listen about the ongoing conflict the more I cant even begin to understand how unreasonably bigoted one has to be to continue to try and justify, support and contribute to Israels mere existence as a torturous, inhumane occupier let alone its repeated, internationally-condemned aggression and crimes. Those who do have selective memories incapable of recalling past the last Hamas rocket, broken moral-compasses with no direction, minds so brainwashed they arent their own, rational capacities so damaged they are rendered little more than inhumane zombies. They are dead minds and sick hearts; blind to humanity, deaf to reason, and dumb as regards speaking objective truth. Law only matters when they arent breaking it, life only has value when it is their own, logic is only valid when in their favour; you are objective when with them, biased, antisemitic and terrorist when against. Their arguments are pathetically childish, irritatingly repetitive and frustratingly shallow. Their ignorance-fuelled arrogance make them genuinely convinced of their position such that there is no reasoning with them. They are mere, foolish products of a Zionist propaganda machine they are willing subjects of. Mere, idiotic brick walls. Walls about to crumble.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 14:26:26 +0000

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