It`s a dreamers world. We live in a world where only dreamers - TopicsExpress


It`s a dreamers world. We live in a world where only dreamers count. Most people who have accomplished extraordinary feats were dreamers. They dreamed of their inventions long before it came to be. Nobody arrives at a future of greatness he did not dream about in his today. For instance, any young person you find in the Nigeria Defense Academy is dreaming of a day he would be decorated as a general in the army. The same thing obtains in medical schools. The young medical undergraduate only dreams of when he will emerge as a celebrated surgeon. Dreams are the stuff giants are made of, unless you are a dreamer you will remain a dwarf! The world is dreaming, but too many christains are without dreams; they think christianity excuses them from dreaming. But nothing could be farther from the truth. God has a great future for you, but you must dream it today to encounter it tomorrow. It is not just enough to dream, you must also believe in those dreams! The most fascinating dreamer in the world was Joseph. But Joseph was a dreamer, and his dreams secured for him a glorious future. To be dreamless is to be doomed. And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. Genesis 37:5 Let businessmen use their minds to paint pictures of success in their businesses, and it shall be so. Let the career person imagine himself at the top echelon of his career, and it will be impossible for him to remain at the bottom. Let the weakling catch a dream of living in perpetual strength and health, and he cannot be weak again. That is how to get God committed. Joseph`s dream brought him to the throne in Egypt. If you, too, can catch a dream of good health, wealth, peace, joy and success, you will ascend your own God-given throne. Your mind is the compass of your destiny. It gives direction to our life for, "...As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Prov. 23:7). The mind is where matters are weighed. You use it to think over issues, and reason out what next step to take in life to arrive at where you are going. Feel free to share this post. Be ready, for The Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. - Matthew 24:44 If you are reading this and you have not really given your life to Jesus Christ or you want to rededicate your life to Jesus Christ, please say this prayer from the bottom of your heart. Dear Lord, I confess that I`m an unworthy sinner. I call upon You right now to please forgive me of all my sins. I believe You died and was resurrected to pay the price for my salvation. I accept You as my savior and Lord, and thank You for saving me. Amen. The Church Movement Web: timothyedoja.blogspot
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 17:26:05 +0000

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