It s a little unusual here, I see, but I rent. My community - TopicsExpress


It s a little unusual here, I see, but I rent. My community housing group can not seem to do a thing right. Even when I pay advance rent of $3000 at a time, from my account to theirs- same bank, they lose it. Then a termination notice is issued for non payment. It happens 2-3 times a year. I have given them no trouble: partially disabled ( a discrimination issue here), alone, no pets, all the neighbours of a cluster of 8 get along well - although privately. I have told them that I will fine them if I have to sort out their administrative issues again. I never really have had a holiday, but once I took one...but did not leave the desk, not even for the views, preparing for a tribunal hearing. I handed in the keys, wasting half my booking, only to get a call saying oh you dont have to go now. There was no apology. It has happened a few times since. In October, I had significant surgery and had no HWS before I went, so I called again , after 4 years of complaining about the hot water being faulty. Upon my return and for about a week, where I had no voice ( cut across the throat ) until someone on FB made contact and called them. Even then, I had to play work supervisor. I was unwell for a rental inspection, and a month before, mentioned that I would be unfit, and needed a reschedule, so it was rescheduled for 25th Nov at their suggestion.. However, on 20th November, they applied to the tenancy tribunal for access because I did not let them in !!! At the tribunal, the housing manager insisted that I did not let her in. She clearly could not read the trail of emails which decided her chosen date. She wanted to be the clanging cymbal and be heard. More drama happened here, where she argued even at the tribunal.. I live in a small place and she demanded an hour of inspection. I argued against that because she usually comes and opens the wardrobe, washing machine, fridge, oven, even my car . She got her hour granted. On the day, 2 came. They invaded my privacy, photoed. etc. It is a small place and after the raid.. which was still thorough enough, and my agreement the I would again stay in and supervise tradespeople - for the stove that I have had failed for 3 years.., they were leaving. She tripped on a foam swimming pool noodle I have cut to the wider door width. She made a fuss and said I hit her with my walking stick. She turned and gave me an envelope. It was full of the ready prepared termination of tenancy papers, citing that I am rude, violent and offensive and that I incited a 3rd party to intimidate them (into repairs of the HWS, when I had no voice and cut ear to ear. ). I was still in home hospital mode but had to deal with this harassment. AS it is, the notice gave me 2 weeks to leave- ready for Christmas. I have absolutely no way of leaving, and an off to a tenancy tribunal for Tuesday 13 Jan in Newcastle. I could possibly have an adjournment after an appearance, but this matter can result in me being homeless with a houseful of things I can not move. Has anyone experience in these sorts of things, please?
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 09:19:19 +0000

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