It ‘s obvious that Trooper Sean Groubert targeted Levar Jones - TopicsExpress


It ‘s obvious that Trooper Sean Groubert targeted Levar Jones when he acused him of not wearing a seat belt. Trooper Sean Groubert chose to harass Levar Jones , and played the Seat Belt Law Card to invoke his power of authority upon Levar Jones. Levar Jones had parked his vehicle, released his seat belt from the secure position, and was getting out of his vehicle to go into the store as Sean Groubert pulls up without the siren on. I can only imagine that Levar Jones was startled by Groubert’s unwarranted and aggressive behavior. It appears that Levar Jones was making every attempt to cooperate when asked to provide his license immediately after Goubert asked to see his license. It’s important to understand that Groubert needed a reason to ask for his license, so he used the Seat Belt Law by accusing Levar Jones of not wearing his seat belt. Levar Jones did not display any threat to Sean Goubert as he turned and reached in his vehicle for his wallet, where his license was. Groubert shouts at Levar Jones to get out of the car, immediately draws his weapon, and shoots Levar Jones, several times, four shots in three seconds. Levar Jones’ wallet flies out of his hands as he falls to the ground, slowly and painfully staggering away from the Trooper after being shot three times in attempt to avoid being shot again, in a panic to save his own life. Trooper Sean Groubert wasn’t through; he shoots a fourth bullet too. This event all happened in just a few seconds. Levar Jones displayed courage under fire, as he fears for his life, at the time asking the Trooper why he was shooting him, and submitting to the Trooper as he was saying he is sorry. Sean Grouberts lawyer, Barney Giese, said the shooting was justified because the trooper feared for his life and the safety for others. Sean Groubert would have others believe that his actions were justified; circumvent his actions by claiming self defense from a man complying with the Troopers request to let him see his license. However, Sean Groubert is wrong; he caused this unjust and unfortunate event, panicked without cause, and nearly took an innocent man’s life. There was no immediate threat. Levar Jones never displayed any aggressive behavior to the Trooper. It’s important to reiterate that Levar Jones had parked his vehicle and then released his seat belt from the secure position to get out of his vehicle. Trooper Sean Groubert would not have had any other reason at that moment to legally ask for his license, and hence, this tragic event should not have happened. It seems that Sean Groubert had an ulterior motive that went quickly out of his control that escalated into a shooting. Perhaps he was profiling Levar Jones, without adequate cause, and played the Seat Belt Law Card to investigate him, which is not an uncommon practice by Law Enforcement Officials. Trooper Groubert did not have a credible response when asked by Levar Jones “Why did you shoot me?” Sean Groubert fumbled for an immediate reply, seeking a reason for his action; the Trooper said that he reached back into the vehicle. Levar Jones did not behave in a threatening way during the entire incident, and was only attempting to provide his license to the Trooper. The state Public Safety Director Leroy Smith, called the video “disturbing” and said “Groubert reacted to a perceived threat where there was none”. Not only did Groubert react to a perceived threat where there was none, he’s shooting an innocent citizen in a panic and claiming that he feared for his life. That Card is being played all the time, in attempts to circumvent the truth. Trooper Groubert didn’t even offer a warning; he just started shooting wildly at Levar Jones. Sean Groubert is charged with assault and battery of a high nature. All Law Enforcment Agencies should be mandated to video and record all activities when engaging in law enforcement. Several Police Departments are beginning to wear cameras on the uniform as well as dashboard video. I know first had that Law Enforcement Officials and Police Officers don’t accurately represent true accounts of an incident. Written Reports often omit important facts; false statements are entered by the arresting officer to show cause for their actions. They use terms such as “aggressive behavior” and “argumentative” in their reports, even if it’s not true. Always take caution when approached by a Law Enforcement Official.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:17:57 +0000

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