It seems Kaley Cuocos recent comments incited a fire storm. If - TopicsExpress


It seems Kaley Cuocos recent comments incited a fire storm. If you ask me (and lets face it, this is facebook so I can assume you did); the people who are enraged at her are people who look for things to be angry about. Her comment about not considering herself a feminist; liking tending to her husband by cooking meals for him; and not feeling as though shes been the victim of inequality over her being a woman has triggered commentary that is literally split right down the middle. scathing i have lost all respect for her, shes an idiot comments and equally as many I love her; thanks for being real; be who you are without apology comments. it occurs to me that the problem is in the definition of Feminism. What seems clear is that Kaley has said the efforts of those feminist activists who forced change have made such headway that she doesnt feel like a victim of what those before her faced. Fair enough. And reasonable. So she doesnt have the desire to pick up the gauntlet. (News flash: everyone feels compelled to advocate for different things. Our life experiences are designed to make that so. Hers lead her on her own path. Geez. Have respect for that simple fact!) What those who are angry at her seem to be missing is that she didnt say there was never inequality or that those who fight that fight are rebels without a cause. And the problem really seems to be simply in the definition of the word feminist. When you hear the word you either think of someone who has a set of ideals they believe in ; or you think of someone who is an activist and part of a semi organized movement. Both definitions are right and neither are complete. OBVIOUSLY her definition is the one that conjures up the activist. So leave her be, people! Fnd something else to flip out about please. Lol. I appreciate Kaleys view and I am pretty sure she hasnt turned back the clock on female equality with her comment. Here is an interesting write up I found on the topic, which I think is enlightening: _______________________________ What does feminism mean anymore anyway? In the most basic sense, feminism is exactly what the dictionary says it is: the movement for social, political, and economic equality of men and women. Public opinion polls confirm that when people are given this definition, 67 percent say they agree with feminism. We prefer to add to that seemingly uncontroversial statement the following: feminism means that women have the right to enough information to make informed choices about their lives. And because women is an all encompassing term that includes middle-class white women, rich black lesbians, and working-class straight Asian women, an organic intertwining with movements for racial and economic equality, as well as gay rights, is inherent to the feminist mandate. Some sort of allegiance between women and men is also an important component of equality. After all, equality is a balance between the male and female with the intention of liberating the individual. Breaking down that one very basic definition, feminism has three components. It is a movement, meaning a group working to accomplish specific goals. Those goals are social and political change -implying that one must be engaged with the government and law, as well as social practices and beliefs. And implicit to these goals is access to sufficient information to enable women to make responsible choices. Of course the goals of feminism are carried out by every day women themselves. Maybe you arent sure you need feminism, or youre not sure it needs you. ...In reality, feminism wants you to be whoever you are-but with a political consciousness. And, vice versa: You want to be a feminist because you want to be exactly who you are. ...
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:20:24 +0000

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