It seems fitting that, on the eve of our unveiling of Mazunte, we - TopicsExpress


It seems fitting that, on the eve of our unveiling of Mazunte, we should provide one final “shout out.” It also happens to be the most important one. Mom: You have cleaned. You have scrubbed. You swept, mopped, washed. You have organized. You stained wood. You made food for all of my friends on those long, dark winter weekends during the build-out. You supported us every step of the way. You believed in this vision from the beginning… you believed in me. You let your husband spend just about every waking hour working for us, without pay. You’re a truly, truly amazing woman. Dad: You’ve given up a solid year and a half of your life for this. You’ve lost 30 lbs. You have, God bless you, dealt with me and my ultra-demanding work ethic on a daily basis. You’ve accomplished everything I’ve asked of you and so much more. You essentially built a restaurant from scratch, using almost exclusively recycled products that we pulled out of random dumpsters and burn piles from farms. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel the world. I’ve come across some of the most admirable acts of humanity that exist on this planet. But what you did for Mazunte, what you did for me… well it’s honestly the most remarkable and the most selfless thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life. When I take those rare moments to reflect, to think about how this crazy process has unfolded, to consider everything that both of you have done… it cripples me with emotion. Even now, an hour after our first official staff meeting, as I sit here, in the spray painted Mazunte office, punching away at the keyboard of my MacBook, tears slip from my eyes. They are uncontrollable. But they also true and beautiful… exactly like the two of you. Thank you. I love you.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 00:49:01 +0000

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