It seems hypocritical for a nation whose motto is in God we trust, - TopicsExpress


It seems hypocritical for a nation whose motto is in God we trust, to distrust or penalize people who put their trust in God. But most Americans still do not know that Allah is the Name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Moses. Of Jesus and all his disciples. That Muhammad is a descendant of Abraham from Ishmael. We can all point fingers at each other, blaming this person or those people for bigotry and ignorance. Or we can just take the opportunities to educate each other as Allah presents them to us. Husain Abdullahs sajdah, his placing his forehead on the ground to thank Allah, is the same gesture of prophets and believers going back to Adam. He was not performing salat, the Muslim ritual prayer, he was merely thanking God. So he did not have to face Makkah, and that shows the spontaneity of his thanks, too. It may be unusual to see a sajdah in American Football, but in professional Futbol or soccer, it is seen regularly. Instead of celebrating himself, Abdullah was thanking His Creator. Football penalties for celebration are thus not appropriate. Just as we would not like to see any Christian athlete penalized for taking a knee and or bowing his head in thanks, all Americans should stand by Abdullah and any other player who chooses to show his thanks to God by prostrating to Him alone.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:16:46 +0000

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