It seems like I am explaining myself to so many people - TopicsExpress


It seems like I am explaining myself to so many people lately....geez. OK....yes... I am moving. No... my grown ass children are not going with me. Yes...I will miss my grandchild...they are now spread out between Michigan, Tennessee and Florida. Yes...I really am leaving. (If we were such good friends, why havent we hung out or chatted on the phone or even text each other, ummm ever! ) Yes...I can afford it. No...I am not leaving my debt behind. (Where I go it goes) Why...WHY?.... because I can! Because I dont want debt anymore, because I miss my grandchildren, Because life is meant to be lived, not worked to death. Because what we will be sacrificing this next year with finances, space, material things, time, stuff. Will be for ours and our children and our grandchildren future! Imagine if you will...two people who work part time but live, love and laugh full time! Our children and grandchildren will have our undivided attention when we are with them. No more exhausted working 40 + hour at a place that drains your soul. We will be able to see all the places we dreamed about seeing while we are still young and healthy. Just because! Lol To my truly wonderful friends I will miss you but I WILL be back! And to the nosy people, yea I am coming back but not to see you. Lol Somedays it is hard to hold on to having grace for people. :-) Have a glorious day yall!!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 17:21:12 +0000

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