It seems like it must be an all year full time job for people who - TopicsExpress


It seems like it must be an all year full time job for people who do this stuff. No small I investment of time, energy & money. We have some very special people among us. Sometimes I look at the great evil men can do and then I look at this. Im so confused about how people can have such polar opposites within them. I used to think there was a difference between good people and bad people. I thought my family and friends were the good guys. Now they have become the worst kind of evil and I dont get it. I understand its just the brain doing what it does but how did we get this way? Is man the only animal that abandons members of his social network? I see whats happening to me and I know its no different than what happens to an abandoned dog. At first a dog will lay there waiting and hoping that someone will come back for him. I find myself imagining what I will do if my family comes back and then I realize how stupid Im being. No one is EVER coming back for me. By the time a dog understands that no one is, hes too sick to fend for himself and he dies a horrible death. MAN does that to animals. I dont think social animals do this to each other, do they? A dog is not psychologically armed for abandonment. Social creatures are not armed for abandonment. When we abandon someone, we leave them defenseless and vulnerable. Were leaving them to die. Were telling them they no longer hold any value to our social network. And then we wonder why they kill themselves or others. What is wrong with us? Why are we this way? Why are WE this way. No its not the other guy that does this. Given the right circumstances, we are ALL that guy. Both science and history bear out that we are ALL that guy. The only difference between me and you and THAT guy, is our environment, our experience. We are not responsible for what happens to us. We all do the only thing we CAN do, given our experience. How do we stop this? There but for the grace of God people say, but God isnt part of this. This is US. This is OUR responsibility. I keep seeing all these memes telling people not to keep giving puppies as gifts to their children and then abandoning them and I think, Who does that?!! How can people be so irresponsible and cruel? And yet people ARE irresponsible and cruel all the time. How can reasoning animals be so bad at reasoning? Am I special because I dont abandon my animals? No. I dont think I am. I dont abandon my animals for a number of reasons but I didnt give myself the knowledge that I have. Someone else taught me. Ive done other bad things to animals because no one taught me and I had to learn myself, the hard way. Ive kept animals in cages. What is more cruel than keeping a bird or a bunny in a cage? I did that! Im disheartened by my own cruelty. But I didnt understand better. I was just doing what I was taught to do. We have terrible blind spots in our learning. If we dont acknowledge how badly we suck at reasoning, we do terrible things to one another and to everything else. And yet we do these beautiful things, too. We owe it to ourselves to educate ourselves. We owe it to ourselves to look at ourselves. We owe it to others to look at ourselves. We are worth the effort. How do we see our errors in judgement before its too late, before someone dies? Thats how I learned the badness of keeping animals in cages. I had to see them die in those cages. And then I knew it was wrong that they spent their whole life living in a cage. I loved my animals. I wanted them to have a good life but I realized upon their deaths that I failed to give it to them. So sad. But I finally learned. Some people never do. My heart still aches over the animals that died in cages. Thats what happens when we dont see ourselves. We hurt others and we can never undo the pain. Never. There are no Im sorries that can ever make it up once death takes our loved ones away. I feel like an animal in a cage. Im all alone. Im not living the life a human is designed to live but Im powerless to change my circumstances. Someday Ill die. I might die in the cage Ive been left in, this house, or I might be set free and left to die like an abandoned dog on a highway. But either way the effect is the same. Im left to die, never having lived the life I should and could have lived if someone had been willing to look at themselves and act responsibly. Will I be rescued by the kindness of strangers? Will my family regret that they left me to die? Will they understand that it was their responsibility to help me and not that of strangers? Will they learn? If they do, how will they cope with the pain of knowing they failed and someones life was wasted because they failed. Someone lived and died unhappy because they failed. Or will they ever learn? Will they go on hurting others and teaching their children to hurt others. Thats what happens when we dont learn. We teach our children to put animals in cages and abandon them when they become too much trouble.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:18:52 +0000

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