It seems like only yesterday that the Goth craze sent many - TopicsExpress


It seems like only yesterday that the Goth craze sent many teenagers out partying in graveyards – decked out like Monster High dolls, resurrecting their own version of the Night of the Living Dead. Over time, it seemed this fad had been put to rest but as we learned last week, some Christians have made the grave choice to participate in a similar tomb-side practice known as grave-sucking. They are not the first with such a morbid fascination, as we read in scripture we learn of a possessed man who actually lived amongst the tombs… unable to be confined by physical chains and shackles, yet a legion of demons bound his spirit. Ironically, he knew exactly who Jesus was as he ran towards the Son of the most High God. Id imagine wed be no different than the swine owners, not only being in shock for having just witnessed 2,000 demon-possessed pigs run to their death, but even more astonishing would be seeing such a dramatic and spontaneous change in this once demonic man. As Jesus boarded the boat, the man begged to go with him but Jesus directed him back to his own homeland to go and tell what great things God had done. The story concluded as the people marveled by this healed man who went about proclaiming his deliverance throughout the whole city. (See Mark 5: 1-20, Luke 8: 26-39) This type of account is not uncommon, as we find that Jesus quite often sent the one who had just been healed or delivered back home to tell others of the wondrous work God had done in their lives. Those who had known the person prior to their God-changing encounter were awestruck by the very evidence that stood before them. In John 20:29, Jesus addresses a doubting Thomas saying because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. While this scripture reveals the blessedness in having faith without seeing, it also addresses the Thomas in us or those whose faith has not yet increased to believe beyond the physical. In this day we have more than our share of doubting Thomas that thrive on tangible evidence in the life-changing power of God. An excerpt from my sister Selah Ally Towers testimony. You can read the rest here: christianpost/news/the-power-of-testimonies-and-8-witches-who-turned-to-god-128763/
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 21:43:37 +0000

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