It seems like you can either be angry because of the state, or - TopicsExpress


It seems like you can either be angry because of the state, or happy despite the state. I spent many years being angry... angry about taxation, prohibition, laws, and politicians. I spent years navigating darkness and only seeing the chains. It turned my spirit black. Eventually I changed. I saw the beauty and peace in society that thrives outside the state. It is the greatest time to be alive. We are freer and more prosperous than anyone in human history. You can either love it, live it, and enjoy it or you can spend your time angry, voluntarily handing over the one part of your mind no law can touch. Laws, politicians, and the institutions of violence they thrive to control are outside our ability to control. We only control our emotions and responses to stimuli. Peace and happiness exists solely within. No elected official or new law will really make anyone happier, peace comes only from you.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 04:26:24 +0000

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