"It seems that Jews in England can’t abide their own religious - TopicsExpress


"It seems that Jews in England can’t abide their own religious laws any more than their brethren in Israel can cope with international law and humanitarian law. Is this the thin end of a wedge to achieve annexation by the back door… lots of Little Israels in England‘s green and pleasant land? Bushey is already occupied territory, evidently. Whatever next? The Eruv schemes rely on there being no grounds for refusal under Planning Law. But would the Jewish state grant Christian and Muslim communities such planning privileges and similar boundary marking in Tel Aviv or Israeli-annexed Jerusalem? I don’t think so. Indeed, the Washington Post reports that in Nazareth Illit, a Jewish suburb of the mainly Arab town of Nazareth (now in Israel although not allocated for a Jewish state in the 1947 UN Partition), the mayor makes no concessions to non-Jews. “This is a Jewish city,” he says, “now and forever…. I would rather cut off my right arm than build an Arab school.” Ditto mosques. “No, no, no. No mosques, ever.” No churches, Ramadan lanterns or manger scenes. “And no Christmas trees… Everyone can live here, that is the law, as long as they understand this is a Jewish city… And in that way we are a microcosm of the state of Israel… 95 percent of Jewish mayors think the same thing. They‘re just afraid to say so out loud.” Nazareth Illit is an Israeli new town, built with government support on expropriated Arab lands. Last I heard, England is a Christian country still. Even David “I’m-a-Zionist” Cameron says so. Do we want microcosms of the state of Israel here? It smacks of psychological warfare aimed at making non-Jewish communities feel vulnerable and unsafe. Presumably the aerial boundaries will be expanded as the ‘ingathering’ proceeds and uncomfortable non-Jewish residents are driven out. How long before those who complain about this creeping annexation of their neighbourhoods, however “symbolic”, are smeared with the anti-Semitic label? When I was a boy living in Finchley, the bus route to the West End of London ran through Golders Green. Even in those far-off days it was a standing joke that you needed your passport for the trip. How much worse it must seem today now that Golders Green is pegged out with a demarcation boundary of 5.5 metre poles strung together with fishing line."
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 03:43:59 +0000

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