It seems that many White Americans want to avoid the subject of - TopicsExpress


It seems that many White Americans want to avoid the subject of racism be it on specific acts of racism, random acts of racism or racism in general. Perhaps it is because the subject of racism is too embarrassing for them or because it reflects some characteristic of their race in a bad light; which is understandably difficult either way. However, when it comes to the subject of back on black crime and other negative issues within our race many African Americans react in the same exact way and find those subjects when openly discussed just as difficult to bear. However, the only way any of our deficiencies ( black or white) will ever change for the better is for us to be willing to do an honest self inventory of them, then admit them and after we examine them with honesty we must face them head on; because if we continue to conveniently avoid our deficiencies like ostriches with their heads in the sand when we finally pull our heads back out out short comings will still be there to plague and haunt us.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 07:32:06 +0000

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