It seems that one of the major priorities of the administration is - TopicsExpress


It seems that one of the major priorities of the administration is to push some sort of amnesty for the 13 (+ or -) million illegal aliens. In his most recent press conference, instead of acknowledging the reputation of his agenda by the voters, the president instead issued a threat to the incoming republican majority and to the current congressional class. The threat, pass comprehensive immigration reform or he will use his infamous pen and phone and go it alone. Now, the majority of polls suggest that the American people want to address illegal immigration, but when you look closer into the substance of the polls, it suggests that the vast majority do want to address it, but NOT by granting amnesty, but rather by securing the borders and enforcing current law. By simply asking about reform, the interpretation can be announce in a vague enough manner that one might think that amnesty would be preferable. Now, what we see unfolding in this threat is actually a trap. A trap, not for the current congressional class, but for the class that will be sworn into office in January. See, the president knows full well that if some sort of reform bill is signed into law before January, and the people reject it, it wont be the current democrat controlled senate that is held to blame, but rather a senate that never even voted on it. Americans have VERY short memories, and if an unpopular law is passed before this January, the only thing the people will remember is that it passed AFTER the landslide elections, and they will put the blame for the law on representatives(the new majority) simply because the timeline says that the election came before that law. A warning to the current republicans...DO NOT PASS ANYTHING!!! Let this president issue his own edict. Let him act unilatterally, illegally. Let him FINALLY take the whole burden for a choice that is of his own making. Do not fall into this trap, as it will undoubtedly be used to bludgeon you into oblivion while simultaneously destroying any chance at prosperity that the country has. First and foremost, you have an obligation to the 310,000,000 American citizens and THEIR well being...NOT to the millions of people who have disregarded our sovereignty and laws. And if you do give in, and fall into this trap, then you will most certainly earn the same moniker as dear leader..... SUCK.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 03:13:28 +0000

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