It seems to me that there are two major reasons why folks have so - TopicsExpress


It seems to me that there are two major reasons why folks have so much trouble getting a handle on UFO/ET related information. The first reason is that few people are taught good intelligence gathering and analysis skills by their parents making it difficult to learn these skills later in life. The second reason is that only a few people have the time and resources to spend years studying the subject to understand and grasp something as complex as UFO/ET reality. Further complicating matters is that very few people like being told that they either lack the skills, or are not putting in the time and resources needed to understand. Such people often become defensive and unresponsive to those who point this fact out to them, sometimes even commenting that one opinion is as good as another, when of course this is not true. Fortunately for me I grew up in a scientific family where I learned the basics of proper data collection and analysis and then later studied intelligence gathering and analysis as it relates to the UFO/ET problem. I even co-authored an Alaska Department of Fish and Game scientific paper on the fishes on the North Slope of Alaska in the 1970s. Furthermore, as my interest lay in the overreaching problem of the nature of reality as a whole, with UFO/ET reality being a subset of this, I had to make a decision early in my life to concentrate on these issues and develop a frugal lifestyle that allowed me to this. Now towards the end of my life I have pulled together much of what I have learned for others to get a leg up on this matter, to build on the good works of others as I myself have done. Indeed, a well thought out perspective built on good intelligence gathering and analysis over 40+ years, has value and helps others to discriminate and assimilate the truth and avoid the false that so clutters up and confuses the search for truth. Much of the remaining years of my life are being dedicated to getting this truth out to the public through the book UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder now free on its website. Folks can see for themselves that this is no ordinary UFO book, if they take the time to read it. It’s a book far ahead of the pack of investigators that are still mired in a forest of individual trees with little perspective on the forest, or forest ecology as a whole. Once the book is read then the reader can understand the motivations behind the concept of the Extraterrestrial Cultural Center Concept as outlined on our website and on our Facebook page. etculturalcenter.weebly/
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 14:29:00 +0000

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