It seems to me that there is a lot of anger and get even as well - TopicsExpress


It seems to me that there is a lot of anger and get even as well as reverse prejudice based on her success and now all of the people who she helped or shared her love of cooking and making money are now attacking her for the same things that each and everyone of them are also guilty of if they had the balls to admit they too have used racial slurs, as have many of you who are reading these words of fact, and at times in my life I too have used them against many different nationallities. But I learned at a very early age a true fact from my father about this word NIGGER, and how to really aplly it to all nationalities,: He said son Niggers come in all sizes, shapes and colors and they are not always Black, and you will find this out as you grow older, and it was the truth he spoke, and this is what I say when confronted by racism of any kind as like I stated I too have been guilty of prejudice even against people of my own hertiages of Scot/Irish, Native American, Spanish, Portugese, and possible Black blood lines due to the inter marriages of Blacks and Native Americans, and my White, and other blood liines. So my question is this: Why after so many years is this being such a big issue as she herself has had people call her racial names as have all of you, and no one is trying to destroy your income or your Pursuit Of Happiness, or do you fit the discription of all sizes, shapes and colors. One more thing I live my life by and that is this; I hesitate to ask any human being for forgiveness because they have to think about it and usually lie to you and say they do, but if you as Your God, He forgives you immediately and no guessing if He really did, because He did if you believe in your God as I do mine..
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 02:12:24 +0000

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