It seems to me that when the media is reporting a story... - TopicsExpress


It seems to me that when the media is reporting a story... like.... i dunno..... A man (muslim) trying to behead a woman and the story is all headline and no fact and 18 hours or so later the man has still not been charged and the United States government has been hyping anti - Islam sentiment through various widespread propaganda as a pretext for getting American voters (as if voting mattered) to support invading yet another country filled with poor people so we can murder them and steal their natural resources; I think why do so many people believe the hype? But then I look back on all the lies and deception and murder that the United States government has perpetrated upon its own citizens and the rest of the world, to which the sheeple responded by watching more t.v. and buying more stuff, and my cynicism reaches the level of why does the government even bother with fake news anymore? Itd be more time and cost efficient to just bomb who you want to bomb and steal what you want to steal and just tell everyone to deal with it or get arrested its not like anybody is gonna get off the couch to stop you. Then I realize that is exactly where the United States is headed and God reminds me Im not part of that kingdom anymore and it stops bothering me. My cynicism washes away as I realize that all that are not in Christ are dead already and let the dead bury their own dead. You follow me. Maranatha Jesus
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:13:08 +0000

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