It should never be a Requirement than any private corporation be - TopicsExpress


It should never be a Requirement than any private corporation be dictated to how they run their business. Contrary, if they wish to prejudice against any ones rights in any way by attempt to push their religious views by a willful limitation of health benefits, this by default is an act of discrimination. Religious NON secular legal issues like health coverage options are the sole business of the employee. Hobby Lobby is violating the very essence of the Constitution and protection from religious discrimination in this case So basically to put my OPINION in simple terms: 1. no one has to work there, it is their choice. 2. HL can offer whatever they want in the way of benefits but to cherry pick according to religious beliefs is BS and forced discrimination, no different than what HL is claiming the OBAMACARE mandate is doing to them ( which the supreme douche bags have agreed to some extent with) 3. Either provide health coverage and stay out of the content with YOUR religious beliefs or dont offer any you cant legally cherry pick and claim the victim of the very thing you are essentially doing to the employee. This is a classic example of where OBAMACARE over steps Constitutionality regardless of the bastards in robes ruling a year or so ago with these mandates being legally sound... that was corruption of the integrity of our Judicial system at the top. P.S. Im using a different keyboard now Vic...better? not perfect I know...
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 04:26:25 +0000

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