It some cases , it may take months, years, or even a lifetime to - TopicsExpress


It some cases , it may take months, years, or even a lifetime to find yourself .... and when u do finally find him , be careful and have a plan on deck in case of emergency bc if u let things overload that wagon of greatness it took your whole life to accomplish to build .... it will crumble ... and there you are stuck with only the pieces , and no time to rebuild bc of the unnecessary cargo u knowingly carry around instead of unpacking the bad to make sure theres always room for the good .... deal with things as they come ... good or bad ... bc looking for yourself isnt something you should do everyday , and it can happen in a piece of a second bc of overloading .... I myself , have to find me today bc of it ... you are and can be what your looking for ... dont let things overwhelm you today ... talk about it and get rid of it .... and start rebuilding today , right now with the first piece of that wagon that resembles who you really are ... the first piece and most important piece is actually the smallest but strongest piece ....... your INSPIRATION .... GOD BLESS you .... got work to do
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:33:57 +0000

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