It takes COURAGE to get deliverance from what the devil MOLESTED - TopicsExpress


It takes COURAGE to get deliverance from what the devil MOLESTED you to be and then COMMITMENT and FAITHFULNESS to be TRANSFORMED into what God CREATED you to be! Transformation is a process, but it is also a journey. The journey to renouncing a false identity to then receiving your true identity in Christ involves the process of changing your image. Your spiritual makeover from a CORRUPTED false image of abuse, rejection and molestation into the uncorrupted true image of Christ requires STRONG discipleship and transformation. It is at the point of discipleship that you will truly undergo on-going and progressive deliverance and then also discover your true identity, purpose and destiny that can only be found in Christ. Who are you? Why are you here? What are you supposed to be doing? Are you who people say you are? Are you who you think you are? Or are you who God SAYS you are? You see With IDENTITY comes a great spiritual awakening, but with identity also comes a change in your WORSHIP. When you really discover who you are(identity) and who you are meant to be(purpose) as God has intended, you will IMMEDIATELY forsake your idols(false images, false identities and false personalities) that are hidden behind the guise of credibility and the false "images" that the devil has influenced you to believe. Once you have forsaken your false idols and images and then begin serving and worshipping the true and living God, your TRUE IMAGE will begin to coalesce and come into focus! Without your true image and identity, your ministry remains BARREN and your godly purpose lies dormant and eventually wasted. So stop hiding behind your false image and simply renounce it! Are you ready to start seeing yourself as God sees you? Are you ready to embrace the REAL you??? Are you ready to renounce the false labels and titles that the devil has labeled you with which has caused subsequent destiny misalignment and life unfulfillment? Then your image must change before your worship can change! Once your image changes, then your worship becomes excellent! Your face cannot shine with the glory of Christ until you first repair your image! SO WHO IS TIRED ENOUGH TO STOP SETTLING FOR WHAT THEY USED TO BE AND BRAVE ENOUGH TO BECOME WHAT GOD CREATED THEM TO BE????
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 19:59:16 +0000

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