"It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone - TopicsExpress


"It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else”... It is the end of the week and this quote just seems so appropriate for what is on my mind and in my heart; and I just wanted to take a minute and say, for the record, that I am just so thankful for my dreams…all of them, and especially for the ones that have begun to take shape even this week as I started the nurse aide 1 class at WTCC!!! …It still feels unreal at this point… And in having these dreams for my life, I also realize that I am blessed to have so many people to share them with... Yesterday, the most surprising/amazing thing happened when I was at Wall mart shopping…a lady came up to me and asked me how I was doing, and as I was standing there just trying to figure out who she was, she was telling me that although she hadn’t been to the gym and had not seen me in a while, that she had been thinking of me and had felt like the Lord was telling her to come up and encourage me, though for what reason she did not know… And I was just stunned to think that this person cared enough about me to want to encourage me like that…I can’t explain how that made me feel, except for humble and blessed and thankful…because I don’t deserve any of this… really…But I am thankful that God has shown mercy to me, and has blessed the dreams that I have within this perfect plan that He created for my life…I just want to always do well with these dreams and make them count for His glory, not my own… A little over year ago, when I realized that I wanted my life to be different than what it was...it was very hard for me to even put a voice to my dreams and goals and even harder to let people know that I had these dreams for my life... Because I was afraid that once I shared them and was honest about them, that I wouldn’t be able to make them happen, and that everyone who already cared, and that had done so much for me would be disappointed in me ... and then what? I was afraid of mistakes and failure…And I have made plenty of them, yet, every time I do, I am surprised...because people are not disappointed, instead they are there to offer more support and encouragement, and always love… As I have shared my hopes, goals and dreams with all of my friends and family, even strangers, I never thought that so many people would think that me or my life was worth believing in... Some days I wake up and wonder when these dreams are going to end… And then I think back to the days before there were any dreams at all, and I would just sleep for most of the day… And I realized this…that no dream is going to be perfect, because our dreams are only human, therefore, there will be mistakes…But the best way to make dreams come true is just to wake up every day and live in them…fear and all, and have trust in God’s perfect plan… Trusting and doing my best...and above all, still dreaming for things to come!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 21:20:52 +0000

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