It takes more than ones ability to produce and deposit sperm in a - TopicsExpress


It takes more than ones ability to produce and deposit sperm in a womans reproductive system for one to claim a child resulting from a pregnancy. I watched a Nollywood movie last weekend even though such stories are common where a boy impregnated a girl, denied being responsible for the pregnancy and even lied that the girl was sleeping with other boys so it could be any of the boys. The girl was made to abandon her education, contemplated suicide, went through the entire process alone and in pains, raised the child with the support and love from another man that married her only for the idiot to come back after 7 years to ask for the child. Now, our system in Nigeria irrespective of tribe and/or religion tends to support the scenario above and the man is favored without putting into consideration the pains, dashed dreams, agony etc the girl may have gone through and that is if the girl didnt choose the suicide option. With sperm banks out there the society must understand that it takes more than a mans penis sending the sperm to the womans eggs for the man to claim a possible resultant child. Unfortunately, the laws (whether cultural or religious) were made by men and as such they put in place so many things that would favor them regardless of the facts on the ground and the pains their actions may cause other people especially the women. I know for sure that any man that tries such with my own blood will not finish telling the story in his lifetime as I would rather see the boy grow up fatherless and with love than have a bastard as a father. Nonsense!!!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 12:01:30 +0000

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