It time for story time litte one. =Baby_Half_Dragon= Baby - TopicsExpress


It time for story time litte one. =Baby_Half_Dragon= Baby Katrina - by Woggie 10-14 By the time the weekend came, I looked back upon that week and was quite surprised by how much had happened to me and how much had changed within me. I had a distinct awareness of my Katie side now and whenever I allowed that side to come out, it was getting harder to stop and go back to being my Peter self. I had been a bit concerned about what would happen that weekend due to the manner in which Id spent the previous one. However, much to my surprise and even a little to my disappointment, it had turned out to be just a normal weekend at our house. It almost seemed as though Mom and Beckie were going out of their way to avoid any mention of Katie or even my upcoming appointment to see that Doctor friend of Moms. By Sunday evening Id even forgotten about it until Mom reminded me about it at bedtime that wed both be going the following morning. I dont think I managed to get very much sleep that night due to my worrying about the appointment and the next morning I was so tired that I caught myself dozing off a couple of times at breakfast. The funny thing is that by the end of that day Id found that Id ended up getting all worked up over nothing! Although I was a bit uneasy at first when wed first gotten to her office, Dr. Carla was very pleasant and her office was really neat -- not at all like the kind of office our family doctor has. Her office was more like someones living room and had a very comfortable feel to it. Although there were a lot more bookcases in there then Id ever seen in anyones living room, she did have very comfortable chairs and a couple of sofas to sit on. Her desk was even positioned in the corner of the room, far away from everything else and gave the impression that she didnt use it that much when she was talking to her patients. She also had a lot of really cool-looking pictures on her walls (I discovered many years later after studying a bit of art in school that they had been some of Salvador Dalis works) and I was always fascinated by them. In spite of the very pleasant atmosphere, I was still a bit nervous because of the reason that I was there in the first place. I had sort- of expected her to get right down to it and sit me in a chair across from her and talk about Katie. Instead, she and Mom sat down at a table with me and the three of us played a few card games! That caught me completely off-guard and so I thought that this Dr. Carla might not be so bad after all. After a couple of different games, Dr. Carla suggested the 3 of us play various word games of sorts. Although they werent quite as enjoyable as the card games were, I still had a bit of fun even though some of the word games seemed a bit strange at the time. Before I knew it, our time was up. While Mom and Dr. Carla were having a short discussion about a second appointment, Id wandered about her office and looked closely at all those pictures she had on her walls. Finally, we were ready to leave and I politely thanked Dr. Carla for the fun time wed had together as Mom and I left her office. While we were driving back home, I was a bit confused about the time wed spent at Dr. Carlas office. I had thought that we were supposed to be going there to talk about Katie, but she wasnt mentioned even once the entire time we were there. I really did like Dr. Carla, but I couldnt help feeling that there was more going on at that session than I was aware of. When wed gotten back to the house, Mom ushered me inside and had a quick talk with Beckie about the usual household stuff she was supposed to look after and then she headed off to work. As soon as shed gone, Beckie was extremely curious about what had gone on at my appointment and was a bit disappointed when shed heard what had happened. I thought that Moms friend was supposed to talk about Katie with you, Beckie said. Instead she and Mom just sat around playing a few games with you? That doesnt make any sense. I shrugged and simply replied that I was just as surprised as she was but I did point out that I was supposed to have another appointment and maybe that one would be a bit different. Becky looked thoughtful for a moment and then simply nodded her head and went back to the laundry room to finish whatever it was shed been working on before Mom and I came home. What were you planning to do for the rest of today, Peter? she called from the laundry room. I dunno... I thought Id just head out to play with Jason again, I replied as I poured myself a glass of water in the kitchen. Jessie and Sam are coming over this afternoon, are you sure you dont want to stay and play with us? They really miss Katie, you know. I choked a bit on my drink when shed said that but I relaxed a bit when I could hear her giggling in the laundry room. She was probably just joking with me, but the past few weeks had given me cause to be concerned just the same. I politely declined her invitation and took off out of the house as fast as I could. During the walk over to Jasons place I kept thinking about the visit with the Doctor that morning. Katie hadnt been brought up at all then -- or over the past weekend either, come to think of it. Beckies casual teasing just before Id left was the first mention of Katie in days and now that I had a chance to think a bit more about it, Id almost felt relieved that shed been mentioned again. Maybe the Katie side of me was getting a little restless since she hasnt been allowed out for a few days. I shivered at that thought. I was one person, not two -- I knew this, but it was almost as if I couldnt figure out which one I was supposed to be. Hey Peter, wait up! Jason shouted from behind me as he rode his skateboard to catch up with me. I suddenly noticed that Id walked about a half a block past his house without realizing it. I turned and watched Jason come to a stop beside me. Whats with you today Peter? You walked clear past my house like you forgot where I lived or something. Did that Doctor really freak you out this morning, or what? Nah... nothing much really happened. We played some card games and some word games, but that was about it. My problems with Katie werent even mentioned. Jason was a bit surprised when I told him that but quickly shrugged it off and suggested we hang out at his place for a bit and play some video games. His reaction was pretty much what I suspected it would be since although he was my best friend, this Katie business is still pretty freaky to him and hed much rather prefer not to dwell on it if he didnt have to. No doubt his recent adventures as Baby Suzie were still fresh in his mind and to him the less that was said about little girl alter-egos the better. I wasnt all that eager to encounter his brothers for pretty much the same reason, but I figured itd probably be okay and the worst I could expect from the two of them would be a bit of harmless teasing. We walked back to his house and just as we approached the side door I started to notice a strange smell that got stronger as we entered the house. Brian and Tom were loading their dishwasher as we entered and immediately started in with on me with their usual banter. Heyyy... look, its that pretty little girlfriend of Jasons again! Brian said with a chuckle. You really should try to wear girls clothes more often or someone might mistake you for a boy, Katie. I gave him a dirty look but didnt say anything. Jason simply rolled his eyes and told them we were going to play some video games down in their rec-room. As we passed through the kitchen, the mysterious smell was REALLY noticeable now and I stopped so suddenly in my tracks that Jason practically plowed into me. Whats wrong? Whyd you stop? he asked. Cant you smell that? I asked as I sniffed the air a little deeper to try and determine what direction it was coming from. Brian and Tom suddenly stopped what they were doing and looked over at us with strange expressions on their faces. Jason looked back at them and simply shrugged. Smell what? I cant smell anything, he said as he gave me a strange look of his own. Are you joking with me, or what? No, really... I could smell it outside and even more so in here. It almost smells like somethings burning. I ignored the jibes from Brian and Tom as I tried to locate where it was coming from. I followed the scent to the cupboard under the sink and when I opened it, a smokey vapor of some sort started to drift out at me. Holy shit! Brian yelled as he dove at the cupboard and pushed me out of the way. He yelled for Tom to throw him the flashlight and then looked inside to see what was causing the vapor. After a moment or two, he got up and filled a bowl with water in the sink and then poured it out somewhere underneath the sink. It wasnt exactly a fire, he said as he came back out from under the sink. I must have accidentally knocked some of the cleaning bottles over under there when I was putting the dish soap back. A couple of the lids werent tight and where they had spilled a bit was causing that vapor. He paused his explaination and looked at me really strangely. How did you know, Peter? I told you, I could SMELL it! I replied a bit indignantly. It was really strong too, Im surprised that you didnt notice it yourselves. Maybe you were too busy making fun of me and werent paying attention. Brian and Tom simply looked at each other and for once they actually had nothing to say. Jason gave a quick tug on my arm and motioned for me to head down to their rec-room with him. Jason was very quiet while we were setting the game up and I finally had to ask him what was bugging him. Cmon Peter, level with me... how did you know about that spill under the sink? Are you like, psychic or something? I sighed deeply as I tried again to convince him of the truth. Honestly Jason, I smelled it from the side of the house and then it was really strong in the kitchen. Are you trying to say that you didnt notice it either? No, he quietly replied. I couldnt and neither could my brothers who were standing a couple of feet away from it the entire time. He didnt say anything else for a few moments and just stared at me. The look in his eyes was indicating that he was getting a bit freaked, but then it was gone almost as quickly and he suddenly laughed. Well, if you arent a psychic you must be part bloodhound! Maybe we should see if you can start tracking people by their scent and stuff like that! he said with a smirk. I gave him a playful shove and then we started our game. After a little while, Brian called us to the kitchen for lunch. I was expecting more teasing from him and Tom while we were all having lunch but was quite surprised that neither one of them even so much as called me Katie the entire time. Every so often I thought I could see Brian staring at me out of the corner of my eye, but whenever Id look over at him hed suddenly look somewhere else. After lunch, I was starting to think that with Jasons brothers acting so weird on me that it might be a good idea for me and Jason to head out of his house to play somewhere else. I didnt say so to Jason, but I almost felt like Brian was trying to study me or something and the feeling was really creepy. Jason agreed it would be a good idea and we headed out to play in the ravine behind his house. We ended up spending all afternoon there and by the time I had to head home, both Jason and I were covered in a fair share of mud. This was certainly not unusual for either of us as we often go home a bit dirty after playing down near the small creek that runs through the ravine. Wed had a really good time playing together down there and I felt as if itd been quite awhile since wed had that kind of fun together. All that Katie business had certainly cramped my Peter style and I hadnt realized how much I missed a good afternoon of playing outside like that. I had been fortunate to have arrived home before our mother, because she probably would have been less than pleased to see how dirty I managed to make myself. As it was, Beckie was a little cheesed off to see the state my clothes were in and had me strip them off in the laundry room so she could start washing them right away. She sent me off to the bathroom immediately to have a bath so I wouldnt be so filthy when Mom came home for dinner. But Beckie, I protested, I dont have my evening bath until before bedtime! Yes, thats normally true but sometimes dirty little boys need more than one! Ill bet Katie wouldnt ever come home like that because little girls are much better behaved and take better care of their clothes than boys do. As she made those last remarks about Katie, I got the message and the underlying threat that if I didnt do as she said right away then it could very well be Katie joining her and Mom for dinner that night instead of Peter. While the idea of being Katie again wasnt so terrible, I wasnt particularly keen on the possibility of having to wear diapers at dinner that night. Without another word, I quickly scurried off to the bathroom to get cleaned up. While I was washing up, I thought back to how Id felt earlier in the day on my way to Jasons house. I did miss being Katie and when Beckie had implied turning me into her again I almost wanted to defy her just enough so shed actually do it. It wasnt just a feeling or a want... I NEEDED to become Katie again. I was pretty sure that I couldnt come right out and ask Mom if I could become Katie again. She seemed to want me to be Peter as much as possible while this doctor friend of hers was doing whatever it was she was doing. Mom had mentioned that I had another appointment with Dr. Carla in a couple of days so maybe after that one she might let Katie come back again for a little while. Mom came home shortly after Id finished my bath and immediately noticed that Id had an early bath. Beckie explained how Id come home earlier and Mom simply chuckled a bit and said nothing else about it as she and Beckie started making dinner together. A little later on while we were all eating dinner together, the conversation seemed pretty ordinary and almost noticeably lacking in any mention of my Katie-side. I was pretty sure that Mom was deliberately trying to avoid that topic for some reason, but I couldnt quite understand why. Beckie tried to bring up my session with Dr. Carla that morning but Mom simply told her that there wasnt much to talk about until after my next appointment and then she quickly changed the subject. During mealtimes, the table conversation is usually dominated by Beckie and Mom -- with me sometimes joining the conversation for brief periods of time. That evening, however, Mom seemed very interested in how Id spent my day and asked me to tell her as much as I could about every little detail I could remember. It seemed a bit odd, but I told her as much as I could about that days adventures. I talked about the ravine and the frogs that we caught (we let them go shortly afterwards), playing video games and all the other usual boy-things that Jason and I did when we played together. I was kind of amused by the fact that Beckie seemed to be really uninterested in the kinds of things I did when I was out playing and she seemed to be trying her hardest to tune out of the conversation. I didnt really believe that Mom was all that interested, either but she smiled just the same and kept encouraging me to keep telling her things. When Id casually mentioned the spill under Jasons kitchen sink and how Jasons two brothers were too dumb to notice even when they were standing right next to it, Beckie suddenly perked up a bit. She obviously had a bit of an interest in Brian and probably didnt like me calling him dumb in front of her. Ive been over at Jasons house too you know, Peter, she said with a quick wink. Just because Brian didnt happen to look under his sink before you did doesnt make him dumb. Maybe someone should ask why you were so nosey and poking around under there in the first place. I quickly denied that I was being nosey and explained what had happened and how I thought it was really weird that none of them noticed it but me. I changed the topic and tried to talk about other things but I stopped when I noticed that both Beckie and Mom were sitting quietly and just staring at me with odd looks on their faces. I looked at each of them questioningly and for about a minute or two no one said a thing. I got the impression that something Id said had definitely gotten their attention but I couldnt figure out what was so important. Peter, my mother asked me slowly, what youre telling me is that none of the other boys could smell the spill but you could, is that right? Well, yeah... it was really hard to miss. I cant believe that they didnt notice it, I replied casually. For some reason, Beckie had an astonished look on her face and Mom just sort of smiled and gave a quick shake of her head. She then changed the subject and we went back to a more normal level of conversation at the table with Beckie and Mom doing most of the talking. After dinner, Beckie and I cleared the table while Mom went up to her room for a few minutes. When she came back down, she suggested we have an evening in and watch TV together. I was feeling a bit tired by that point since I hadnt slept very well the night before, so that was fine by me. I was excused from having to take my bath since Id already had one before dinner, so I stayed downstairs with Mom while Beckie went up for her shower a little later in the evening. When it was time for bed, Mom sent me off to my room and told me shed be along a few minutes later to tuck me in. The moment I got upstairs to my room, I immediately smelled something out of place in there. It only took a moment before I recognized Beckies perfume. I went across the hall to her room and knocked on the door. Ha ha, very funny Beckie! I said from outside her room. Yes, what is it Peter? she asked as she opened her door. You KNOW what Im talking about! I told her. I know youre mad because I came home all dirty, but why did you have to spray your perfume on my clothes? Now Im going to smell like a girl tomorrow and Jason and his brothers are going to make fun of me! Thats enough Peter, my mother said from behind me. Rebecca didnt put the perfume in your room... I did. I spun around and looked at her with a very confused expression on my face. Huh? Whatd you do that for Mom? I wanted to do a little test to see how sensitive your sense of smell was. I used the smallest amount of Rebeccas perfume that I could and you were able to notice it immediately. I still didnt know what she was getting at, but Beckie seemed to clue in right away and covered her mouth with her hand and mumbled amazing to herself. I was starting to get a little annoyed by all this and asked to be let in on whatever it was that was such a big deal, since I still had no idea what they were talking about. Much to my frustration, Mom told me that it would have to wait until she could bring it up at my next appointment and then perhaps Dr. Carla would be able to explain it to me. I didnt want to wait that long but Mom made it clear that I was to drop the subject for now and shooed me into my bedroom so she could tuck me in. That night, I again found myself dreaming in a world of rich sights, sounds and smells. I looked down and saw myself dressed in a simple, yet elegant sundress and pair of sandals. I was standing out in a grassy meadow with flowers growing everywhere and, oddly enough, a full-sized mirror seemed to be standing out there with me to show me my reflection. My hair on the sides of my head had been swept back and braided about my head almost like a crown, while the rest of my hair hung free down to my shoulders and moved with the gentle breeze that was present. I spun around a few times in front of the mirror and glanced over my shoulder to watch my dress billow slightly and relished the feeling of the hem of my dress sweeping across my legs whenever the breeze moved it. Its not really so bad, is it? a cheerful voice suddenly spoke out of nowhere. I stopped and caught my balance as I looked about to see where the voice had come from. Even though I knew I was dreaming, it felt as though there was someone else out in that meadow with me. Whos there? I asked and noted the girlish sound of my voice. Theres no one here, the voice said with a giggle. Theres just you. I noted that time that the voice seemed to be coming from the mirror. I walked up to it to take a closer look and immediately noticed that my reflection wasnt mimicing me anymore, it appeared to be sitting down and smelling some flowers down near the base of the mirror. This is a pretty weird dream, I thought as I sat down in front of the mirror. Who are you? I asked. Im you, silly, my reflection answered. Youre me, we are two and we both are one. This was starting to freak me out a little. I never talked like that, so why was my reflection doing it? Um... okay, what should I call you then? I asked her. Well, she said as she stood up in front of me and did a little pirouette, Im Katie. She spun around one or two more times and then suddenly before my eyes she changed as she continued in a slightly different tone of voice. Im also Peter. The reflection now looked as I did when Im Peter and when I looked down at myself, I saw that I was still dressed as Katie. Why are you here? What do you want? I asked while starting to feel very nervous. I want what you want, he simply answered. We want to be one again. I nodded and stood up so I could look at him from eye-level. Im afraid... I dont know how, I said as a single tear rolled down my cheek. Of course you dont. Neither do I. But I do know that we can find out together. He smiled at me and then looked down at his clothing. He spun around again and he was Katie once more, but when I looked down at myself I saw that this time I had become Peter. What does this mean? I asked her. We cant be both, can we? Says who? she asked me as her image began to fade from the mirror. We ARE both. We are two and we both are one. I remember that I sat there for a while longer and tried to make sense of what shed said and then I found myself slowly waking up in my bed the next morning. I usually find it difficult to remember much of my dreams after waking up, but that one had remained VERY clear in my memory -- and over the years it certainly wasnt the only one, either!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 03:00:01 +0000

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