It took over 60 years for the Dark Forces of American power to - TopicsExpress


It took over 60 years for the Dark Forces of American power to admit this coup. How will we have to wait before they admit they overthrew Allende, murdering him in the process. How long before they admit they murdered General Torrijos in Panama. Will they ever admit they used CIA Jackals destroy Yugoslavia in order to push NATO forces to Russias borders. And what about the Ukraine? A Reichstag Fire if ever their was one. Get Putin to react in the only way any decent Russian President would; confront the NATO threat. Then apply crushing sanctions in order to help bring about the Balkanization and breakup of Russia, their cherished long term aim. The US never wanted the Cold War to end. A war that would never be fought, it gave full employment, and, of course, lots of money to the Military Industrial Complex. Gorbachev disappointed them which is why they lied to him and deceived him. A good book to read on how America deals with target countries is John Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Its a fine piece of whistle blowing. The US record of violence, conniving and waging unnecessary wars in pursuit of world dominance condemns it.I wish Putin well in this contest. I hope he comes through. So what I want for Christmas is the disintegration of America archaic Foreign Legion, NATO, and its replacement with an arrangement that suits todays world. Remember when Gorbachev pulled the pin, the Wall came down and the satellites were freed, he exposed NATO for what it was. And we all expected the a Peace DIvidend that never came. What happened to it?
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 07:26:46 +0000

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