It truly warms this old soul to see so many of my Christian - TopicsExpress


It truly warms this old soul to see so many of my Christian friends embracing the resurrection of their savior on this day. Its a comforting sentiment that I know so many of you rejoice in your faith not on just this day but ALL the other days of the year. If you find yourself only going to service on this day or Christmas and thats it, in my opinion, you shouldnt really bother with it. If you dont feel obligated to go and visit with your God at least once a week on a normal basis then you may have to evaluate your beliefs. It may not be for you. You cant just visit a parent once or twice a year, not call or write or give a passing thought to all year long and on their special days show up and expect to be included in their will. This is not to disparage anyone from attending church at all. Far from it. I just think you need to have this commitment in your heart and conviction in your soul and be mindful of your divinity in every step of your life and every phrase that you turn or thought that you have. If you want this to be you and yet feel you need the encouragement, strength, or guidance to help get you there then that is fine as well. I completely understand that. You should be there waiting for them to unlock the church doors and cut out the lights when the last of the congregation has left every day that is physically possible for you to attend. On the other hand going to make an appearance for your peers, family, or significant other is just posturing in the eyes of your lord. A lord that is seemingly all knowing and an admittedly jealous God. Just whom do you think you are cozening? Above all else, to thine own self be true. Im far from perfect but I at least know that the reflection I cast is that of a person I am comfortable with dealing with. Can you say the same? Peace be to you all brethren.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 18:04:39 +0000

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