It used to be American to have pride in our country, to honor our - TopicsExpress


It used to be American to have pride in our country, to honor our heritage and to openly advocate our values. Today, pride has fallen to a place that is no longer American. It is found in the actions of rebuffing all that America has been. The morals, passions and drives that built this country are now seen as insensitive, hegemonic and exclusive. Instead, we are left with a position of cowardice, weakness and shame. Countries around the world now mock us, burn our flags and look to others for global leadership. We have clearly lost our place and our way. What is the missing beacon? What has so dramatically changed our course that we wander in the dark, desperate to once again find our identity? The hope of America is now found not in Jesus blood and righteousness but in the failed spirit of desperate souls looking for ways to justify their brokeness rather than fix it. When we became a country that chases the praise of man rather than God, we lost self-respect and the ability to lead. Leaders find their prize in arriving at their destination, risking all of mans favor to gain the value of the journey and the treasure of their accomplishment. Cowards find pleasure in seeking mans worthless praise. Our nation has been degraded to being among the ranks rather than the Leader of Nations it once was. In the wake of that failing, we find ourselves unraveling, disrespected, directionless and fighting to survive financially. Is there any hope for our future?
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 17:54:57 +0000

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