It was 27 years ago today that my life changed infinitely for the - TopicsExpress


It was 27 years ago today that my life changed infinitely for the better. On Thursday, 26 March 1987, at the Jackson County Court House in downtown Kansas City, Missouri I exchanged marriage vows with my Bonnie. My close friend and songwriting partner James Zeigler was my best man. Though it was cold, windy, and rainy outside, it was the happiest day of my life, bar none! Eight months before I had left Los Angeles for two reasons: 1) I had become wholly disillusioned with the city of my birth; and, 2) I could not shake the grip of a love relationship that had ended abruptly. My goal at that time was to visit my family in Kansas City for a time, and then immigrate to England and spend the rest of my days there without any plans for a wife, let alone children. In fact, I had concluded that it would be best if I remained single for the rest of my life. But, as John Lennon once so wisely observed: “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”. Less than two months after I had arrived in Kansas City I met Bonnie on a city bus: She had gotten on and found the sole open seat was next to me. Awkwardly, we began a conversation that over the next few weeks blossomed. Over the next week or two we specifically sought one another on the bus. In our talks, we found that though our interests were generally the same, they specifically differed enough to make being together interesting. By January, we were inseparable. From the start it was not an overabundance of passion that brought us together—though there was an element of desire present—as much as it was just a feeling of being quite comfortable in one another’s company. Though it seems a bit trite, it is nonetheless true that what made us want to be together was that I made her laugh, while she made me smile. During the toughest of times, it is this element of our relationship that keeps us together: We are not only a married couple, but we are also the very best of friends. So on this day, I want to thank my amazing wife Bonnie for saving me from a wretched, lonely life steeped in bad memories and self-absorption. For 27 glorious years you have been my life-partner, closest friend, trusted confidant and steadfast ally. You have completed me as a person and have given my life true substance and meaning. Bonnie, you are simply my life; and, all that I am is because you have always been there for me. Marrying you was truly the single greatest accomplishment of my life and one for which I am absolutely grateful!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:22:27 +0000

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