It was a choice. Theres always hope. Having lost my brother - TopicsExpress


It was a choice. Theres always hope. Having lost my brother under IDENTICAL circumstances to Robin Williams, I find these phrases in regards to Robins death to be completely inaccurate. He was sick. To tell someone dealing with that kind of depression, that kind of darkness, dont give up man. Theres always hope, is totally dismissive of their situation. And its everything thats wrong with how its addressed in our society. Its pretending that you know what theyre going through because there was that one time YOU were really sad, and you got over it. Right? Just do what I did. I hoped. And it worked. I made a CHOICE not to kill myself that time I lost my job or that girl broke up with me, or my grandma died, and look! Im totally alive right now! Its just a choice man. To pretend to understand what a severely depressed person is going through is about as effective as saying you had a cancer patient describe what their experience has been like and now you totally know what cancer is like. Its ignorant. You cant just hope it away. And you cant always make that choice. After my brothers death, I went through his computer. Do you know what the last thing my brother ever looked up on the internet was? Not some eHow article on suicide. No. It was the IMDB for the movie Mystery Men. Some silly bit of trivia that he was looking to find the answer to. Dumb stuff. Funny stuff. You probably couldnt differentiate his search history from your own. He killed himself a few hours later. How did that happen? Howd he go from from normal guy, who drove to the store to buy some juice for my daughter because we were out, to killing himself in less than seven hours? It was his disease. His sickness crept up on him and it took him. If there was a choice to be had, he didnt know it. He had been blinded into thinking that there wasnt one. And thats what this kind of malady does to you in time. Get help. Get treatment. Acknowledge that those around you want you to live, even if you cant see their reasoning for yourself. Its a sickness. Dont listen to the people around you telling you to get over it. Or offering quick fixes based on their own experiences with something unrelated to what youre dealing with. Cancer is a disease. Malaria is a disease. Depression is a disease. Treat it as such.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 04:20:51 +0000

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