It was a good run and we almost made it, but in the end my - TopicsExpress


It was a good run and we almost made it, but in the end my inexperience and the bad weather were to be our undoing. We made it to shore yesterday, but during the night the exceptionally high tide together with the rough weather had Narhval slip her mooring. She has sustained critical damage over the night, and is no longer seaworthy. I went down to see how she was this morning. I saw the tide had lifted her up some, and that she was lying a bit awkwardly on the rocks. I saw she had sustained some minor surface damage, but otherwise she seemed fine. The first sign something was wrong was the oars lying strewn across the beach. I started gathering all the loose material I could find, without realising the implications. It was only once Id rescued the oars and rudder that I went to have a look at her hull, only to find a gaping hole in her port side, hidden by her sail. This is not like taking a dent on a car; this is like watching a dear friend with a bleeding wound. It felt just as grotesque to see pale, untarred wood splinters inside the boat. This is incredibly bitter. We were so close to our goal, half a day of sailing would have seen us reach our target. This is also entirely my fault. I should have pulled her further onto land. I should have moored her better. I should have gone to check on her during high tide. I should have done more. It is absolutely gutting that this beautiful boat that has seen us safely through such rough and varied conditions, should be broken due to what is essentially bad parking. It feels like a crime. Everything is not lost, however. Once again I have to extend my thanks to all the wonderful and helpful people who received us yesterday evening and offered us shelter. Today they helped us haul her battered hull safely onto land, and offered us the use of their boat shed for storing all the equipment that isnt bolted to the boat. They also took us to see a local retired boatbuilder, who even now is making emergency repairs to our poor old lady so she can limp to Rødbergshamn. Well just need someone to tow her. Now were safely ashore at my grandmothers in Finnsnes. We still intend to get Narhval to Rødbergshamn, where shell stand for the winter. Next summer Ill take her to a specialist to have her repaired and good as new, but this is not going to be a cheap boat. Right now I dont really care that much. I owe this boat. This has been an experience. I started as an entirely inexperienced but optimistic høvedsmann, and I finish as a slightly less inexperienced, still optimistic but much more humble and educated man. Tonight is going to be for introspection and rest, and tomorrow Ill start asking around for people who might be interested in a towing job. Once all this is done, Im probably going to sit down and have a good cry.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:08:33 +0000

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