It was a little over a year ago I joined this page. I think I - TopicsExpress


It was a little over a year ago I joined this page. I think I joined shortly after the brouhaha down at City Hall involving some interesting citizens, an elderly security guard and undercover police officers who may or may not have been invited. I know when I joined, I explained my ineptitude and ignorance of what happened, why it happened and why things in general HAPPEN at City Hall. I still have work to do. I have a goal that I will be sitting in the first Council Meeting when this new body of elected candidates gather together to set the path for a new Oshawa. I toyed with running. In vain, I thought it would be cool to run to coincide with my 30th birthday. Knowing some of the candidates and their family like I do now, I kinda kick myself for not doing some research and give it a shot. However, there are issues that need attention that a 30 year old college dropout autoworker might not have the certain skill set for.....yet. I intend to pay attention and keep track of whats going on. And perhaps fair warning, if the job isnt done well enough....expect me to come looking to fix it in 2018. I enjoy this page the most. Its the most tolerable of the Oshawa pages out there and the people are civil too. But I want to touch upon something that I see constantly, time and time again on all the pages of Oshawa political spectrum. Amy England seems to be a catalyst and a lighting rod for discussion. Whatever the issue, it seems Amy has her fingerprints on it. In the last 24 hours, Ive seen this woman accused of having a fake profile and then, because there was silence on the end of this apparent fake profile it meant Amy was outed as being the author of said profile. People also go saying Amy is somehow attracted to the media and they believe Millie (not her child that CHILD has a name) is some sort of media prop. They go on to attack her need to bring Millie to the office. Even though shes not afforded the same benefit of other to take maternity leave. They ignorantly and quite rudely believe that (in their mind) her partner should take paternity leave, as if its their lives to be ordered around to other peoples liking. Heres the thing. People may not like Amy England, or any other candidate. I bring up Amy because I see her brought up (in reality....brought down....) and its time we just focus on her record, which is the right thing to do and STOP bringing family, looks, and baseless accusations into conversation. Speaking from someone with a family and a job, Id find it quite difficult to keep up on maintaining a whole different persona online just so I could pump my campaign up through pages of FB where the same dozen people talk negatively and quite often immaturely about Amy. I doubt Amy would have the time or the necessity to care how a few consistence out of an entire City think about her. Theres just too many people who care about staying positive. Come next week, let the chips fall where they may and the voters decide the future of Oshawa. Lets start this future by trying to remain civil to EVERYONE in this final week....sound good?
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 11:17:39 +0000

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